Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Economia

Pagina nr. 2769 di 5950       

From adjustment to long-run growth - the role of human capital and the informal sector / Stefania Bazzoni ... ed altri ; edited by Alessandro Pio
Milano - EGEA, 1996
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From agglomeration to innovation - upgrading industrial clusters in emerging economies / edited by Akifumi Kuchiki and Masatsugu Tsuji
Houndmills - Palgrave Macmillan, 2010
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From bioeconomics to degrowth - Georgescu-Roegen's "New economics" in eight essays / edited by Mauro Bonaiuti
London ; New York - Routledge, 2011
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From black-scholes to black holes - new frontiers in options / compiled by Peter Field and Richard Jaycobs with the assistance of Robert Tompkins
London - Risk magazine Ltd in association with FINEX, c1992
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From capital surges to drought - seeking stability for emerging economies / edited by Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Stephany Griffith-Jones
Houndmills ; Basingstoke ; New York - Palgrave Macmillan - in association with the United Nations University/World Institute for development economics research, 2003
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From centrally planned to market economies - the Asian approach / edited by Pradumna B. Rana and Naved Hamid
Hong Kong etc. - published for the Asian development bank by Oxford university press
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From chance to choice - genetics and justice / Allen Buchanan ... °ed altri
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 2000
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From chattel slaves to wage slaves - the dynamics of labour bargaining in the Americas / edited by Mary Turner
Kingston - I. Randle ; Bloomington ; Indianapolis - Indiana university press ; London - J. Currey, 1995
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From classical economics to development economics / edited by Gerald M. Meier
New York - St. Martin's Press, 1994
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From classical economics to development economics / edited by Gerald M. Meier
London ; Basingstoke - Macmillan ; New York - St. Martin's Press, 1994
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From classical economics to the theory of the firm - Essays in honour of D. P. O'Brien / edited by Roger E. Backhouse, John Creedy
Cheltenham etc. - E. Elgar, c1999
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From destination to destination marketing and management - designing and repositioning tourism products / editors- Mara Manente, Mirella Cerato
Venezia - Cafoscarina, 2000
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From economic crisis to reform - IMF programs in Latin America and Eastern Europe / Grigore Pop-Eleches
Princeton, NJ - Princeton university press, 2009
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From economists to economists - the international spread of Italian economic thought, 1750-1950 / edited by Pier Francesco Asso
Firenze - Polistampa, 2001
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From education to work - a difficult transition for young adults with low levels of education / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ; The Canadian Policy research Networks (CPRN)
Paris - OECD, 2005
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