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Katevenis, Manolis G. H.
Reduced instruction set computer architectures for VLSI / Manolis G. H- Katevenis
Cambridge, Mass.
Saggio Monografico
Kauffels, Franz Joachim
Practical LANs analysed / Franz-Joachim Kauffels ; translator Ian Johnson
Chichester - Ellis Horwood, 1989
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Kaufmann, Dieter
Internet fur Althistoriker und Altphilologen - eine praxisorientierte Einfuhrung / Dieter Kaufmann, Paul Tiedemann
Darmstadt - Primus Verlag, 1999
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Kavi, Krishna M.
Real-time systems - abstractions, languages, and design methodologies / Krishna M. Kavi
Los Alamitos, CA (etc.)
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Kay, Steven M.
2- Detection theory / Steven M. Kay
Upper Saddle River (N.J.) - Prentice Hall PTR, c1998
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Kay, Steven M.
1- Estimation theory / Steven M. Kay
Upper Saddle River (N.J.) - Prentice Hall PTR, c1993
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Kay, Steven M.
Fundamentals of statistical signal processing / Steven M. Kay
Upper Saddle River (NJ) - Prentice Hall PTR
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Kee, Eddie
Le reti / Eddie Kee
Milano - Jackson libri, 1995
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Keen, Peter G. W.
Every manager?s guide to information technology - a glossary of key terms and concepts for today?s business leader / Peter G. W. Keen
Boston, Mass. - Harvard business school press, c1991
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Keene, Suzanne
Digital collections - museums and the information age / Suzanne Keene
Oxford - Butterwoth Heinemann, 1998
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Kehoe, Brendan P.
Lo zen e l'arte di Internet - guida pratica per navigare in rete / Brendan P. Kehoe ; con un vademecum per chi si collega dall'Italia di Giancarlo Livraghi e Rosanna Santonocito
Londra - Prentice-Hall international ; Milano - Il sole-24 ore, 1998
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Keiser, Gerd
Local area networks / Gerd E. Keiser
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c 1989
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Keith, Jeremy
Ajax bulletproof - applicazioni Ajax a prova di proiettile basate su standard web, progressive enhancement, HiJax e scripting non intrusivo / Jeremy Keith
(Milano) - Pearson education, (2008)
Saggio Monografico
Kelby, Scott
Il libro dell'iPod - tutto quello che puoi fare con il tuo iPod - i modelli, le funzioni di base e quelle avanzate, gli accessori, iTunes e iTunes Store / Scott Kelby
Milano - Pearson Education, 2008
Saggio Monografico
Keller, Arthur
Programmare in Pascal / Arthur Keller
Bologna - Zanichelli, 1983
Saggio Monografico