(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore)) Argomento: Europa |
Pagina nr. 4568 di 6380 |
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London - British Geotechnical Society, 1979 Incluso in > Design parameters in geotechnical engineering - 7. ECSMFE, Brighton 1979 Testo Monografico 3- Papers - Communications - Proceedings of the seventh european conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering, Brighton, England, september 1979 London - British Geotechnical Society, 1979 Incluso in > Design parameters in geotechnical engineering - 7. ECSMFE, Brighton 1979 Testo Monografico 7- Papers and abstracts received after 25th april Bologna - CLUEB, 1995 Incluso in > Rivista europea di diritto, filosofia e informatica Testo Monografico Papers and materials of the - Fourth European Catholic China Colloquium Mutual Confirmation in Faith, Leuven, Belgium, 1 - 4 September 2003 ; Fifth European Ecumenical China Conference Diversity in Unity, Rome, 16 - 20 September 2005 ; Seventh European Catholic China Colloquium 25 Years of Encounters With the Church in China. An Evaluation, Looking to the Future, Triuggio (Milan), 6 - 10 September 2006 / (a cura di Katharina Feith e Eveline Warode Sankt Augustin - China -Zentrum, 2008 Testo Monografico Papers and memoirs of Jozef Lipski, ambassador of Poland - diplomat in Berlin 1933-1939 / edited by Waclaw Jedrzejeuricz New York ; London - Columbia University Press, 1968 Testo Monografico 1.- Papers communications - session 1, 2 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development European Nuclear Energy Agency Paris - Publications de l'O.C.D.E., 1964 Incluso in > International symposium on magnetohydrodynamic electrical power generation - Paris, 6-11 July 1964 / Organisation for economic co-operation and development European Nuclear Energy Agency Testo Monografico 5- Papers in European legal history / Edicion y prologo de Manuel J. Pelaez ; scritti di Andre Gouron ... ed altri Barcelona - Promociones Publicaciones Universitarias, 1992 Incluso in > Estudios interdisciplinares en homenaje a Ferran Valls i Taberner con ocasion del centenario de su nacimiento / edicion y prologo a cargo de Manuel j. Pelaez Testo Monografico 5.- Papers in european legal history - trabajos de derecho historico europeo / edicion y prologo de Manuel J. Pelaez Barcelona - Promociones Publicaciones Universitarias, 1992 Incluso in > Estudios interdisciplinares en homenaje a Ferran Valls i Taberner con ocasion del centenario de su nacimiento / edicion y prologo a cargo de Manuel j. Pelaez Testo Monografico Pt. 1- Papers of the parallel session Amsterdam etc. - Elsevier, 1991 Incluso in > Wind energy - technology and implementation - proceedings of the European wind energy conference, EWEC 91, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 14-18, 1991 / edited by F. J. L. Van Hulle, P. T. Smulde... Testo Monografico 3- Papers on conodonts and ordvician to triassic conodonts Frankfurt a. M. - Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Ges ellschaft, 1989 Incluso in > Contributions / 1. international Senckenberg conference and 5. European conodont symposium (ECOS 5.) ; Willi Ziegler (ed.) Testo Monografico Papers on fibre optic communications - proceedings / published by The European Institute for Communications and Networks Geneva - AKM Messen AG Pubblicazione Periodica Papers on Italic topics / presented to James Wilson Poultney Hattiesburg, Mississippi - s.n. , 1973 Incluso in > Journal of Indo-European studies Testo Monografico Papers on Scandinavian and Germanic language and culture - published in honour of Michael Barnes on his sixty-fifth birthday, 28 June 2005 Odense - University press of southern Denmark, 2005 Incluso in > Nowele - north-western European language evolution Testo Monografico Papers presented at SPIE's International Symposium on Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation Norordwijk, NL - ESA/ESTEC, 2006 Monografia elettronica Papers- volume 18., 1967 - European congress, Vienna 1966 Wharton - Published by the Regional Science Association in cooperation with the department of regional science, Wharton school University Of Pennsylvania Testo Monografico |