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Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 4892 di 6380       

Part B- Problems and policies - B.4. Less-favoured areas in Southern climates.
Incluso in > Agriculture and regional development in Europe - 3. congress Belgrade, 31 August-4 September 1981 / European association of agricultural economists
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Part B- Problems and policies - B.5. Rural areas in high - income and/or densely populated countries- conflicts of priorities in land use, environmental issues. Specific rural areas- river basins, plain areas, etc.
Incluso in > Agriculture and regional development in Europe - 3. congress Belgrade, 31 August-4 September 1981 / European association of agricultural economists
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Problems and policies of agriculture in the less-favoured areas of europe - 1975-1980 - annotated bibliography
Farnham Royal - Commonwealth agricultural bureaux, c1981
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Problems and prospects in european education / edited by Elizabeth Sherman Swing, Jurgen Schriewer, and Francois Orivel
Westport,CT - London - Praeger, 2000
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Problems and responsibilities of first line R&D managers / European Industrial Research Management Association
Paris - EIRMA, 1987
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Problems connected with the creation of Euratom / Pierre Mathijsen.
Incluso in > European regional communities - a new era on the old continent / Melvin G. Shimm, editor ; Hans W. Baade, associate editor ; Robinson O. Everett, special editor for this sjmposium
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Problems d'urbanisation et de planification des villes en Pologne - rapports pour le cycle d'etude europeen ... / organise par la Commission economique de l'O.N.U. et le bureau des affaires sociales a Geneve
Varsovie - Centre d'information technique et d'economique du batiment, 1962
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Problems in the historical anthropology of early modern Europe / edited by R. Po-Chia Hsia and R. W. Scribner
Wiesbaden - Harrassowitz, 1997
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Problems of Balkan security - Southeastern Europe in the 1990s / Paul S. Shoup, editor ; George W. Hoffman, project director
Washington - Wilson Center Press, c1990
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Problems of British entry into the EEC - reports to the Action Committee for the United States of Europe / E. Pisani ... ed altri
London - Chatham House - PEP, 1969
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Problems of business management - american opinions - european opinions - technical assistance mission n. 129 / published by the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
Paris - O.E.E.C., 1954
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Problems of central and eastern Europe
London - (s.n.), 1917
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Problems of children of school age (10-13 years) - report on a Working Group - Moscow, 30 november - 3 december 1976
Copenhagen - Regional office for Europe, World health organization, 1977
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Problems of children of school age (14-18 years) - report on a Working Group - Amsterdam, 6-10 June 1977
Copenhagen - Regional office for Europe, World Health Organization, 1978
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Problems of children of school age (5-9 years) - report on a Working Group - Copenhagen, 24-28 november 1975
Copenhagen - Regional office for Europe, 1976
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