Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo (senza autore))
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 5146 di 6380       

Les redevances d'usage des infrastructures ferroviares - rapport de la cent septieme table ronde d'economie des transports - tenue a Paris les 26 et 27 mars 1998 sur le theme / Centre de recherche economiques
Paris - CEMT, 1998
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Rediscovering Europe in the Netherlands / WRR, Scientific Council for Government Policy
Amsterdam - Amsterdam University Press, 2007
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3- La redistribution de l'impôt / Denis Menjot, Manuel Sanchez Martinez coordinateurs
Paris - Privat, 2002
Incluso in > La fiscalite des villes au Moyen Age / Denis Menjot, Manuel Sanchez Martinez coordinateurs
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1- Redivivi - 18 cantautori veneti per 64 nuove canzoni sulla tradizione locale ed europea / ricerca e testi di Gianluigi Secco
(Asolo) - Soraimar ; (Belluno) - Nuovi sentieri, (2013)
Incluso in > Mitiincanto - i miti della tradizione veneta nel contesto nazionale ed europeo - con 64 canzoni d'autore / Gianluigi Secco
Registrazione audio

Redner-Handbuch fur den Europa-Wahlkampf
Bonn - CDU, Fur Europa, 1979
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Redrawing nations - ethnic cleansing in east-central Europe, 1944-1948 / edited by Philipp Ther and Ana Siljak
Lanham (etc.) - Rowman & Littlefield, c2001
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I reduci raccontano - storie di alpini bergamaschi / a cura di Luigi Furia
Milano - Mursia, 2010
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Reducing barriers to zero and low emission mobility - a guide for cities / editor- Amy Rader Olsonn
Stockholm - City of Stockholm Environment and health preotection administration, c2000
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Reducing health inequality in the European Union / European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities (and) Directorate-General for Health and Consumers
Luxembourg - Publications Office of the European Union
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Reducing inequalities in health - a European perspective / edited by Johan Mackenbach and Martijntje Bakker
London ; New York - Routledge, 2002
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Reducing pollution from selected energy transformation sources / a study accomplished for the Commission of the European Communities, environment and consumer protection service
London - Graham & Trotman for the Commission of the European communities, 1976
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Reducing unemployment in Europe - the role of capital formation / Franco Modigliani... (ed altri)
Bruxelles - CEPS, 1986
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The reduction of working hours in western Europe / European trade union institute
Bruxelles - ETUI
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Redundancy law in Europe / edited by Maarten van Kempen ... (ed altri) ; co-ordinated by Paul Bartelings
Alphen aan den Rijn - Kluwer law international, c2008
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The reemergence of civil society in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union / edited by Zbigniew Rau
Boulder ; San Francisco ; Oxford - Westview press, c1991
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