Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 5154 di 6380       

2- Reforming the european union / edited by Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Jacques Le Cacheux ; with contributions from Louis Chauvel...(ed altri)
Basingstoke ; New York - Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
Incluso in > Report on the state of the European Union / edited by Jean-Paul Fitoussi and Fiorella Kostoris Padoa Schioppa ; with contributions from Jerome Creel...(et. al.)
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Reforming the European Union - from Maastricht to Amsterdam / edited by Philip Lynch, Nanette Neuwahl and G. Wyn Rees
Harlow etc. - Longman, an imprint of Pearson education, 2000
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Reforming the financial sector in Central European countries / edited by Stanislav Poloucek
Basingstoke (etc.) - Palgrave Macmillan, 2004
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Reforming the regulation of trading venues in the EU under the proposed MiFID II - Levelling the playing freld and overcoming market fragmentation? / Nis Jul Clausen, Karsten Engsig S rensen.
Incluso in > ECFR - European company and financial law review
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Reforming the Ruble - Monetary Aspects of Perestroika / edited by Josef C. Brada and Michael P. Claudon
New York ; London - New York University Press, c1990
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Reforming the treaties' amendment procedures - second report on the reorganisation of the European union treaties, submitted to the European commission on 31 July 2000 / coordinators- Claus-Dieter Ehlermann, Yves Mény ; rapporteur- Hervé Bribosia ; members of the working group- Armin von Bogdandy ... ed altri
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - European communities, 2000 (printed in Italy)
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Reforming the treaty on European Union - the legal debate / edited by Jan A. Winter ... ed altri
The Hague etc. - Kluwer, 1996
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Reforming transport pricing in the European Union - a modelling approach / edited by Bruno de Borger, Stef Proost
Cheltenham - Elgar, c2001
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Reforming wage policy in Central and Eastern Europe - prepared for the International symposium Wages, efficiency and social coehsion- towards a negotiated wage policy in Central and Eastern Europe - Budapest, 29 Nov.-1 Dec. 1995 / edited by Daniel Vaughan-Whithead
(Geneva - European commission international labour office, 1995
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Reformpadagogik und Schulreform in Europa - Grundlagen, Geschichte, Aktualitat / herausgegeben von Michael Seyfarth-Stubenrauch und Ehrenhard Skiera
Baltmannsweiler - Schneider Verlag Hohengehren
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Reforms in CEE-countries with regard to european enlargement - institution building and public administration reform in the environmental sector ; with 8 tables / Michael Schmidt, Lothar Knopp editors
Berlin (etc.) - Springer, 2004
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Reforms in Eastern and Central Europe - Beveridge 50 years after
Leuven ; Amersfoort - Acco, 1993
Incluso in > EISS yearbook / (European institute for social security)
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Reforms in family medicine or general practice in the countries of central and eastern Europe - report on a WHO meeting - Sinaia, Romania 25-28 october 1993
Copenhagen - World health organization, Regional office for Europe, 1994
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Reforms in foreign economic relations of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union - proceedingd of a Symposium conducted in association with Osteuropa-Institut, Munich and Sudost-Institut, Munich / (organizated by the) United Nations economic commission for Europe ; edited by Michael Kaser and Aleksandar M. Vacic
New York - United Nations publications, 1991
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Reforms in long-term care policies in Europe - investigating institutional change and social impacts / Costanzo Ranci, Emmanuele Pavolini editors
New York - Springer, 2013
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