Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 838 di 8793       

Blanpain, Roger
European Labour Law / by Roger Blanpain and Chris Engels
The Hague etc. - Kluwer Law International, 1998
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Blanpain, Roger
European labour law / Roger Blanpain
The Hague etc. - Kluwer, 1999
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Blanpain, Roger
European labour law / Roger Blanpain
Austin (etc.) - Kluwer law international, c2008
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Blanpain, Roger
European labour law / Roger Blanpain
Austin (etc.) - Wolters Kluwer, 2010
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Blanpain, Roger
European labour law / Roger Blanpain
Alphen aan den Rijn - Kluwer Law International, 2012
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Blanpain, Roger
European labour law and social security law - glossary / Roger Blanpain and Michele Colucci
The Hague (etc.) - Kluwer law international, c2002
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Blanpain, Roger
European Works Councils - information and consultation of employees in multinational enterprises in Europe / Roger Blanpain and Paul Windey
Leuven - Peeters, 1996
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Blanpain, Roger
European works councils - information and consultation of employees in multinational enterprises in Europe - the European directive (94/95 EEC) of September 22, 1994 - conclude a pre-existing agreement? - time bomb or bonanza? / Roger Blanpain and Paul Windey
Leuven - Peeters, 1994
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Blanpain, Roger
Europees Arbeidsrecht / Robert Blanpain ; met medewerking van Chris Engels
Leuven - Peeters, 1994
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Blanpain, Roger
Glossarium van het arbeidsrecht en de arbeidsverhoudingen in Belgie / doorRoger Blanpain ; met de mederwerking van Chris Engels.- Leuven - European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions, 1990
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Blanpain, Roger
Labour law and industrial relations of the European Community / by R. Blanpain
Deventer ; Boston - Kluwer law and taxation, c1991
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Blanpain, Roger
Labour law and industrial relations of the European Union - Maastricht and beyond- from a commmunity to a union / Roger Blanpain
Deventer - Kluwer, c1992
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Blanpain, Roger
Labour law and industrial relations of the european union - Maastricht and beyond- from a Comunity to a Union
Boston - Kluwer law and taxation publisher, c1992
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Blanpain, Roger
The legal status of sportsmen and sportswomen under international, European and Belgian national and regional law / Roger Blanpain
The Hague (etc.) - Kluwer law international, 2003
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Blanpain, Roger
Les politiques contractuelles dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue dans les pays membres de la communaute europeenne / Roger Blanpain
Leuven - Peeters Press, 1994
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