Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 841 di 8793       

Blasio, Elio
Commentario alle convenzioni europee contro le doppie imposizioni / Elio Blasio, Luca Melchionna, Federico Monaco ; con la collaborazione di Arianna Anastasia ... ed altri e con il contributo di Camera arbitrale italiana, Grant Thorton Italia s.p.a., Euroconsulting network G.E.I.E
Bari - Cacucci, 2000
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Blasius, Dirk
Geschichte der politischen Kriminalitat in Deutschland, 1800-1980 - Eine Studie zu Justiz und Staatsverbrechten / Dirk Blasius
Frankfurt am Main - Suhrkamp, 1983
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Blaskovich, Alexander
Das neue Europa / herausgegeben von Alexander v. Blaskovich
Budapest etc. - s. n. , 1909
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Blasselle, Bruno
Chemins de rencontre - l'Europe avant la lettre / Bruno Blasselle ; preface Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie ; avec la partecipation des Departements des Cartes et Plans, des Estampes, des Livres imprimes, des Manuscrits occidentaux et orientaux, des Medailles, et de la Musique de la Biblioteque nationale
Paris - Hervas, 1992
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Blasselle, Richard
Traité de droit européen de la concurrence / Richard Blasselle
Paris - Publisud
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Blatchford, Robert
My life in the army / by Robert Blatchford
London - the Clarion press, 191.
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Blatman, Daniel
A Hesitant Partnership- the Bund and Polish Socialists During the Holocaust / Daniel Blatman
Incluso in > Nazi Europe and the Final Solution / edited by David Bankier and Israel Gutman
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Blatman, Daniel
Le marce della morte - l'olocausto dimenticato dell'ultimo esodo dai lager / Daniel Blatman ; traduzione dall'ebraico di Elisa Carandina
Milano - Rizzoli, 2009
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Blatman, Daniel
Thee Polish Street Fell Short in Its Relations with the Jews-" - polish Clandestine Press and the Jews, 1940-1942 / Daniel Blatman
Incluso in > Facing the Nazi Genocide - non-Jews and Jews in Europe / Beate Kosmala and Feliks Tych (eds.)
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Blauberger, Michael
State Aid Control from a Political Science Perspective / Michael Blauberger.
Incluso in > Research handbook on European state aid law / edited by Erika Szyszczak
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Blauhorn, Kurt
Erdteil zweiter Klasse - Europas technolog. Lucke. Mit e. Interview mit Klaus von Dohnanyi
(Gutersloh) - Bertelsmann Sachbuchverl,, 1970
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Blauhorn, Kurt
Europa ¿continente de segunda categoria - la "laguna tecnológica" de Europa / Kurt Blauhorn ; (traducción de Manuel Vázquez)
Barcelona - Plaza & Janés, 1972
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Blaurock, Uwe
Neuer Regulierungsrahmen für Ratingagenturen / Uwe Blaurock.
Incluso in > Europaische Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsrecht
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Blaut, James Morris
1492 - the debate on colonialism, eurocentrism, and history / J. M. Blaut ; with contributions by Andre Gunder Frank ... ed altri
Trenton, N.J. - Africa world press, 1992
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Blaut, James Morris
The colonizer's model of the world - geographical diffusionism and Eurocentric history / James Morris Blaut
New York - Guilford Press, 1993
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