Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 851 di 8793       

Blom, Hans W.
Grotius and socinianism / Hans W. Blom.
Incluso in > Socinianism and arminianism - antitrinitarians, calvinists and cultural exchange in seventeenth-century Europe / edited by Martin Mulsow and Jan Rohls
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Blom, Hans Willem
Grozio, un liberale repubblicano / Hans Blom
Incluso in > Storia del liberalismo in Europa / a cura di Philippe Nemo e Jean Petitot
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Blom, Ivo
Frame, space, narrative. Doors, windows and mobile framing in the films of Luchino Visconti / Ivo Blom
Incluso in > Intermedialities- theory, history, practice - proceedings of the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop (SCH) / convened by- Ginette Verstraete ... (et al.)
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Blom, Philipp
A wicked company - the forgotten radicalism of the european Enlightenment / Philipp Blom
New York - Basic Books, c2010
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Blomback, Peter
Employment trends and prospects in the European forest sector - a study prepared for the European Forest Sector Outlook Study (EFSOS) / by Peter Blombäck, Peter Poschen, Mattias Lovgren
New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2003
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Blomdahl, Anders
Flight identification of European seabirds / Anders Blomdahl, Bertil B reife, Niklas Holmstrom
London - Christopher Helm, 2007
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Blome, Agnes
Family and the welfare state in Europe - intergenerational relations in ageing societies / Agnes Blome, Wolfgang Beck, Jens Alber
Cheltenham ; Northampton, MA - Edward Elgar, 2009
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Blomfield, Reginald Theodore
Modernismus / Reginald Blomfield ; a cura di Giorgio Pigafetta
Firenze - Alinea, 1996
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Blomkvist, Nils
The discovery of the Baltic - the reception of a catholic world-system in the European North (AD 1075-1225) / by Nils Blomkvist
Leiden ; Boston - Brill, 2005
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Blomsma, Jeroen
Mens rea and defences in European criminal law / Jeroen Blomsma
Cambridge ; Antwerp ; Portland - Intersentia, 2012
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Blond, Georges
Agonia della Germania, 1944-1945 / Georges Blond
Torino - Soc. ed. internazionale, 1965
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Blond, Georges
Vivere e morire per Napoleone - vita e battaglie della Grande armata / Georges Blond ; traduzione di Lucia Meucci Jo e Cesare Falessi ; edizione italiana a cura di Maurizio Pagliano
Milano - Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1998
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Blondel Spinelli, Daniele
L' energie dans l'Europe des six - fondements d'une politique energetique commune / Daniele Blondel Spinelli ; preface de Maurice Bye
Paris - Cujas, 1966
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Blondel, Georges
Les embarras de l'Allemagne / George Blondel
Paris - Plon-Nourrit, 1912
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Blondel, Georges
La guerre europeenne & la doctrine pangermaniste / par Georges Blondel
Paris - Librairie Chapelot, 1915
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