Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 1009 di 8793       

Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Essays on planning, trade and integration in eastern Europe / Josef M. P. van Brabant
Rotterdam - University press, ©1974
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Exchange rates in eastern Europe - types, derivation, and application / Jozef M. van Brabant
Washington - The world bank, 1985
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Industrial policy in Eastern Europe - governing the transition / Jozef M. van Brabant
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer, c1993
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Integrating Eastern Europe into the global economy - convertibility through a payments union / by Jozef M. van Brabant
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Integrating Europe - the transition economies at stake / Jozef M. van Brabant
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer, c1996
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
The planned economies and international economic organizations / Josef M. van Brabant
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 1991
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Privatizing eastern Europe - the role of markets and ownership in the transition / by Jozef M. van Brabant
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer academic, c1992
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Regional price formation in eastern Europe - theory and practice of trade pricing / Jozef M. van Brabant
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Remaking Eastern Europe - on the political economy of transition / by Jozef M. van Brabant
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer, c1990
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Remaking Eastern Europe - on the political economy of transition / by Jozef M. van Brabant
Dordrecht - Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1990
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Socialist economic integration - aspects of contemporany economic problems in eastern Europe / Jozef M. van Brabant
Cambridge - Cambridge univer sity press, 1980
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
Socialist economic integration - aspects of contemporary economic problems in Eastern Europe / Jozef M. van Brabant
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge university press, stampa 2010
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Brabant, Jozef M. - van
The transformation of Eastern Europe - joining the European integration movement / Jozef M. van Brabant
Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - Nova Science publishers, pref. 1994
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Braca, Lorenzo
Visioni paradisiache e terrori infernali - crisi istituzionale e trasmissione d'identità nelle collezioni di miracoli cistercensi (seconda metà sec. 12.-primo quarto sec. 13.) / Lorenzo Braca ; direttore della Scuola- Maria Cristina La Rocca ; coordinatore d'indirizzo- Paolo Bettiolo ; supervisore- Antonio Rigon
(Padova, 2012)
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Braccesi, Giorgio
Relazione a nome della Commissione per l'agricoltura sulla Consultazione richiesta all'Assemblea Parlamentare Europea da parte del Consiglio della Comunità Economica Europea (Documento 52) su una Proposta di Regolamento relativo alla graduale attuazione di un'organizzazione comune dei mercati nel settore degli ortofrutticoli / Giorgio Braccesi
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1961 )
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