(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Europa |
Pagina nr. 2345 di 8793 |
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Practices of the member states of the Council of Europe concerning the arrival of asylum seekers at European airports - recommendation No. R (94) 5 .. Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c1999 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Principles concerning the legal protection of incapable adults - recommendation No. R (99) 4 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 23 february 1999 and explanatory memorandum Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c1999 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Prison and criminological aspects of the control of transmissible diseases including Aids and related health problems in prison - recommendation No. R (93) 6 .. Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1995 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Prison overcrowding and prison population inflation - Recommendation No. R (99) 22 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 30 september 1999 and report Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c2000 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri La privatisation d'entreprises et d'activites publiques - Recommandation n. R (93) 7 adoptee par le Comite des ministres du Conseil de l'Europe le 18 octobre 1993 et expose des motifs Strasbourg - Conseil de l'Europe, Service de l'edition et de la documentation, 1994 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Privatisation of public undertakings and activities - recommendation No. R (93) 7 .. Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1994 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Problems of criminal procedural law connected with information technology - recommendation No. R (95) 13 adopted by the Committee of ministers of the Council of Europe on 11 September 1995 and explanatory memorandum Strasbourg - Council of Europe publishing, c1996 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Programme juridique du Conseil de l'Europe - resolution ... adoptee par le Comite des Ministres, le 13 decembre 1963 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Protection des donnees a caractere personnel utilisees a des fins d'emploi - Recommandation n. R(89) 2 adoptee par le Comite des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe le 18 janvier 1989 et expose des motifs Strasbourg - Conseil de l'Europe, Division des publications et des documents, 1989 (imprime en Republique federale d'Allemagne) Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri The protection of medical data - recommendation No. R (97) 5 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 13 february 1997 and explanatory memorandum Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c1997 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri The protection of personal data collected and processed for statistical purposes - recommendation No. R (97) 18, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 30 september 1997, and explanatory memorandum Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c1998 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri The protection of personal data in the area of telecommunication services, with particular reference to telephone services - recommendation No. R(95)4 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 7 February 1995 and explanatory memorandum Strasbourg - Council of Europe Publishing, c1996 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Protection of personal data used for payment and other related operations - recommendation No. R (90) 19 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 13 september 1990 and explanatory memorandum Strasbourg - Council of Europe, 1992 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri The protection of witnesses and collaborators of justice - Recommendation Rec(2005)9 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and explanatory memorandum Strasbourg - Council of Europe, c2005 Testo Monografico Consiglio d'Europa - Comitato dei ministri Recommandation n. R (80) 3 du comite des ministres aux etats membres concernant l'enseignement, la recherche et la formation en matiere "informatique et droit" - (adoptee par le Comite des Ministres le 30 avril 1980, lors de la 318e reunion des Delegues des Ministres) / Conseil de l'Europe, Comite des Ministres Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 1980 Testo Monografico |