(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Europa |
Pagina nr. 4399 di 8793 |
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Kaiser Franz und die europaischen Befreiungskriege gegen Napoleon 1. / von Joseph Alex. Freih. v. Helfert Wien - Prandel & Ewald, 1867 Testo Monografico Helfferich, Karl Die Entstehung des Weltkrieges im Lichte der Veröffentlichungen der Dreiverbandmächte / von Karl Helfferich Berlin - Stilke, 1915 Testo Monografico Helfferich, Karl Kriegsfinanzen - Reichtagsrede am. 10 März 1915 / von Karl Helfferich - Stuttgart ; Berlin - Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 1915 Testo Monografico Helfferich, Karl Der Weltkrieg / von Karl Helfferich Berlin - Ullstein & Co Testo Monografico Helfgott, Gillian David e Gillian - un grande amore / Gillian Helfgott ; con Alissa Tanskaya.- (Trezzano sul Naviglio) - Euroclub, stampa 1997 Testo Monografico Helg, Rodolfo Economies of scale and the integration of the European economy - the case of Italy / by Rodolfo Helg and Pippo Ranci Brussels - Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for economic and financial affairs, 1988 Testo Monografico Helgerson, Richard A sonnet from Carthage - Garcilaso de la Vega and the new poetry of sixteenth-century Europe / Richard Helgerson Bristol - University Presses Marketing, 2007 Testo Monografico Helie, Jerome Les relations internationales dans l'Europe moderne - Conflits et équilibres européens - 1453-1789 / Jérôme Hélie Paris - A. Colin, (2008) Testo Monografico Heliskoski, Joni Mixed agreements as a technique for organizing the international relations of the European Community and its member states / by Joni Heliskoski The Hague etc. - Kluwer Law International, c2001 Testo Monografico Heliskoski, Joni The obligation of member states to foresee, in the conclusion and application of their international agreements, eventual future measures of the European Union / Joni Heliskoski. Incluso in > A Constitutional order of states? - essays in EU law in honour of Alan Dashwood / edited by Anthony Arnull ... (et al.) Testo a stampa Hell, Maximilian (1720-1792) Maximiliani Hell ... Observatio transitus Veneris ante discum Solis die 5ta junii 1761. Una cum observationibus satellitum Jovis, in observatorio caes. reg. publ. universitatis habitis. Adjectis observationibus ejusdem transitus Veneris factis a variis per Europam viris in observando exercitatis, cum appendice aliarum nonnullarum observationum Vindobonae - typis Joannis Thomae Trattner, caes. reg. et apost. maj. aul. nec non incl. ordinum infer. Austr. typogr. et bibliop Testo Monografico Hellbach, Ernst von 9- Am Wiener Hofe / von Ernst von Hellbach Berlin - H. Steinitz, (1901) Incluso in > Das Weiberregiment an den Hofen Europas in den letzten drei Jahrhunderten / von Wilhelm von Bulow Testo Monografico Helleiner, Karl F. Europas Bevolkerung und Wirtschaft im spateren Mittelalter / Karl Helleiner Graz - Herman Bolhaus Nachf., 1954 Testo Monografico Helleiner, Karl F. The imperial loans - a study in financial and diplomatic history / by Karl F. Helleiner Oxford - Clarendon press, 1965 Testo Monografico Hellemans, Petrus Joannes Illustrissimo excellentissimoque domino D. Joanni VVenceslao S. R. imperii comiti de Gallas. In arce campo, & libera turri, duci Lucerae in Apulia ... Cum primùm, conclusâ binos inter Europae monarchas potentissimos pace, venerabilem B. Mariae virginis de animâ, inclytae nationis Teutonicae ecclesiam praesentiâ sua dignaretur. Tertio non. Junii 1714 Romae - typis Josephi Nicolai de Martiis. Propè templum Sanctae Mariae Pacis, 1714 Testo Monografico |