(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Europa |
Pagina nr. 6148 di 8793 |
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Report on the seminar on housing surveys and programmes with particular reference to problems in the developing countries held at Zagreb, Yugoslavia, in October 1961 Geneva - United Nations, 1962 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Reports on current research during the year 1971 on the use of mathematical methods in economic analysis / Economic Commission for Europe 221 p. ; 28 cm Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Les reserves et les approvisionnements energetiques dans la region de la CEE - situation actuelle et perspectives / Commission Economique pour l'Europe, Geneve New York - Nations Unies, 1980 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Review of sources and quality of statistics on international migration in selected countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe New York and Geneva - UNECE, 2012 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Review of the agricultural situation in Europe at the end of... / United Nations, Economic commission for Europe New York - United Nations Pubblicazione Periodica Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Revised European standard recommended by the working party on standardization of perishable foodstuffs of the Economic Commission for Europe New York - United Nations Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Revue de la situation agricole de l'Europe a la fin de 1964 / redigee par la division CEE/FAO de l'agriculture, secretariat de la commisiion economique pour l'Europe, Geneve New York - Nations Unies, 1965 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Risk management in regulatory framework - towards a better management of risk / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe New York and Geneva - United Nations, 2012 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Road map for mainstreaming ageing - Republic of Moldova / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe New York - Geneva - United Nations, 2012 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Role and place of engineering industries in national and world economies / Economic commission for Europe New York - United nations, 1974 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa The role of the economic dimension in conflict prevention - a UNECE-OSCE colloquium with the participation of experts from NATO on the role of the economic dimension in conflict prevention in Europe - proceedings (Villars, Switzerland, 19-20 November 2001) / Economic Commission for Europe New York ; Geneva - United Nations, c2002 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Rules of procedure - convention on the transboundary effects of industrial accidents / Economic commission for Europe New York ; Geneva * United nations, 2001 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa A set of guidelines for socio-economic cost benefit analysis of transport infrastructure project appraisal / Economic commission for Europe New York ; Geneva, 2003 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa Sharing the gains of globalization in the new security environment - the challenges to trade facilitation / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe New York ; Geneva - United Nations, 2003 Testo Monografico Nazioni Unite - Commissione economica per l'Europa A- Situation au 1. juin 1977 / Comite Economique pour l'Europe New York - Nations Unies, 1977 Incluso in > Prescriptions tecniques relatives aux vehicules a moteur et aux equipements et vehicules a moteur et aux equipements et pieces de vehicules a moteur approuvees par le Groupe d'experts de la construct... Testo Monografico |