Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 6541 di 8793       

Paxton, Robert O.
Il fascismo in azione - che cosa hanno veramente fatto i movimenti fascisti per affermarsi in Europa / Robert O. Paxton
Milano - Mondadori, 2005
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Paxton, Robert O.
Il fascismo in azione - che cosa hanno veramente fatto i movimenti fascisti per affermarsi in Europa / Robert O. Paxton ; traduzione di Alessio Catania
Milano - Oscar Mondadori, 2006
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Payan, Guillaume
Droit européen de l'exécution en matière civile et commerciale / Guillaume Payan ; préface de Jacques Normand
Bruxelles - Bruylant, 2012
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Payandeh, Mehrdad
Constitutional review of EU law after Honeywell- contextualizing the relationship between the German constitutional Court and the EU Court of justice / Mehrdad Payandeh.
Incluso in > Common market law review / published in cooperation with the British institute of international and comparative law and the Europa instituut of the University of Leyden
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Payenneville, Auguste
Essai sur la réforme des justices de paix en France - précédé d'une étude sur l'importance sociale de cette institution, et d'une revue de législation étrangère sur l'organisation et la juridiction des justices de paix ou des tribunaux inférieurs dans les divers états de l'Europe / par A. Payenneville
Paris - G. Pedone-Lauriel, 1882
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Payer, Friedrich
Deutsch-Osterreich und mir / von Friedrich Payer
Stuttgart ; Berlin - Deutsche Verlagsaustalt, 1919
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Payne Knight, Richard
A discourse on the worship of Priapus, and its connection with the mystic teology of the ancients / by Richard Payne Knight(a new edition) to which is added an essay on the worship on the generative powers during the middle ages of western europe
London - Privately printed, 1894
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Payne, Christopher
19th century european furniture / Christopher Payne
(Woodbridge - Antique Collectors' Club, repr.1989
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Payne, Christopher
The Price guide to 19. century european furniture - (excluding Brtish) / Christopher Payne
Suffolk - Antique Collectors' club, c1981
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Payne, Christopher
The price guide to 19th century European furniture - excluding British / Christopher Payne
London - Antique collector's club, c1981
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Payne, Edward John
History of European Colonies
London - Macmillan, 1878
Incluso in > Historical course for schools / edited by Adward A. Freeman
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Payne, Howard C.
As the storm clods Gathered - European perceptions of American foreign policy in the 1930s / Howard C. Payne, Raymond Callahan, Edward M. Bennett
Durham, North Carolina - Moore publishing, ©1979
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Payne, John
A new and complete system of universal geography- containing a full survey of the natural and civil state of the terraqueous globe- exhibiting all the latest and most authentic information concerning Europe, Asia, Africa, and America; the seas by which they are divided, and the isles scattered amid these seas; with an ample apparatus of tables, maps, &c. as also an accurate explanation of those principles of geography which depend upon the discoveries of astronomy- and a philosophical view of universal history; the last article written by Robert Heron. In two volumes. Volume first (-second)
Edinburgh - printed for R. Morison and son, 1796
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Payne, Richard J.
The West European allies, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign Policy - Post-Cold War Challenges / Richard J. Payne
New York ; Westport ; London - Greenwood Press, 1991
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Payne, Robert
Hitler / Robert Payne ; traduzione dall'inglese di Clemente Fusero
Milano - Dall'Oglio, 1974
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