Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 6850 di 8793       

Procacci, Giuliano
1- Dalla preistoria all'Europa carolingia / Giuliano Procacci
Roma - Editori riuniti, 1980
Incluso in > Storia e civilta - corso di storia per la scuola media / Giuliano Procacci ; con elementi di educazione civica
Testo Monografico

Procacci, Giuliano
The italian working class from the Risorgimento to fascism - three lectures, Harvard University 1979 / Giuliano Procacci
Cambridge - Harvard University, (1979)
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Procacci, Giuliano
Machiavelli nella cultura europea dell'età moderna / Giuliano Procacci
Roma etc. - Laterza, 1995
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Procacci, Luca
Il male dimenticato / Luca Procacci
Fossano (CN) - Intergraphica, (200.)
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Procaccia, Micaela
L' emigrazione ebraica dall' Italia in Europa dopo il 1938 - fonti e problemi / Micaela Procaccia
Testo a stampa

Proceedings of Euromech Colloquium 430 (2001 ; Prague)
Formulations and constitutive laws for very large strains - proceedings o f Euromech colloquium 430 prague, czech republic, october 3-5, 2001 / edited by Jiri Plesek
Prague - Institute of thermomechanics, c2002
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of SPIE (1997 ; London)
Earth surface remote sensing - proceedings of SPIE - London, 22-25 September 1997 / (edited by) Giovanna Cecchi...(ed altri)
Washington - SPIE, c1997
Incluso in > Proceedings of SPIE Europto Series
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the european computational fluid dynamics conference (1. ; 1992 ; Brussels)
Computational fluid dynamics '92 - proceedings of the First european computational fluid dynamics conference 7-11 september 1992, Brussels, Belgium / edited by C. Hirsch ... (ed altri)
Amsterdam (etc.) - Elsevier
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the european congress of andrology (1. ; 2000 ; L'Aquila)
Andrology 2000 - proceedings of the 1. european congress of andrology 24-27 march 2000 L'Aquila, Italy / edited by Felice Francavilla, Sandro Francavilla, Gianni Forti
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), stampa 2000 (Sambuceto - lit. Brandolini)
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the European School on Computational Chemistry (1999 ; Perugia)
Reaction and molecular dynamics - proceedings of the european school on computational chemistry, Perugia, Italy, July (1999) / A. Lagana, A. Riganelli (eds.)
Incluso in > Lecture notes in chemistry
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the european society of haematology (10. ; 1965 ; Strasbourg)
Proceedings of the 10. congress of the european society of haematology = Comptes rendus du 10. congres de la societe europeenne d'hematologie = Vehandlungen des 10. kongresses der europaischen gesellschaft fur hamatologie - Strasbourg, 1965
Basel - Karger, 1966-1967
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the European Turbulence Conference (9. ; 2002 ; Southampton)
Advances in turbulence 9. - proceedings of the 9. European Turbulence Conference, held in Southampton, U.K., july 2-5 2002 / edited by I. P. Castro ... (ed altri)
Barcelona - CIMNE, c2002
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the first Euro-Arab arbitration conference
Proceedings of the first Euro-Arab arbitration conference - Port el Kantaoui, Tunisia 24-27 September 1985
London - Lloyds of London Press, 1987
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the meeting of the European association for cancer research (5. ; 1979 ; Vienna)
Biology of the cancer cell - proceedings of the fifth meeting of the European association for cancer research (E.A.C.R.), 9-12 september 1979 Vienna, Austria / edited by K. Letnansky
Amsterdam - Kugler, 1980
Testo Monografico

Proceedings of the Workshop Seismicity Patterns in the Euro-Med region (2008 ; Luxembourg)
Seismicity patterns in the Euro-Med region - Proceedings of the Workshop, November 17-19, 2008 / organized by the European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology (ECGS), ill. 163 p.
Incluso in > Cahiers du Centre Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie / Ministere de la Culture, de l'enseignement superieur et de la recherche ; Centre Europeen de Geodynamique et de Seismologie
Testo Monografico