Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Europa

Pagina nr. 7650 di 8793       

Simm, Marion
Der Gerichtshof der Europaischen Gemeinschaften im foderalen Kompetenzkonflikt - Kontinuitat und Neubesinnung in der Rechtsprechung vor und nach Maastricht / Marion Simm
Baden-Baden - Nomos, 1998
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Simma, Bruno
Kompetenzen und Grundrechte - Beschrankungen der Tabakwerbung aus der Sicht des Europarechts / von Bruno Simma, J.H.H. Weiler und Markus C. Zockler
Berlin - Duncker und Humblot, c1999
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Simmen, Jeannot
Kazimir Malevic - vita e opere / Jeannot Simmen, Kolja Kohlhoff
Köln - Könemann, c2000
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Simmonds, Kenneth R.
The european economic community and the new law of the sea / by K. R. Simmonds . La convention americaine et la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme - analyse comparative / par H. Gros Espiell
Dordrecht (etc.) - Nijhoff, 1991
Incluso in > Recueil des cours / Academie de droit international
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Simmons, Peter
Guide to european compressors and their applications - the complete practical reference guide to compressors design, operation, and applications / Peter Simmons, Brian Nesbitt, David Searle
Bury St. Edmunds ; London - Professional engineering publishing, (2003)
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Simms, Anngret
Irland- Überformung eines keltischen Siedlungsraumes am Rande Europas durch externe Kolonisationsbewegungen / Anngret Simms
Göttingen - (s.n.), 1979
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Simms, Anngret
List of the European atlases of historic towns / by Anngret Simms and Ferdinand Opll
Brussels - s. n. , 1998
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Simms, Brendan
Europe - the struggle for supremacy, 1453 to the present / Brendan Simms
London - Allen Lane, 2013
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Simms, Norman
My cow comes to haunt me - European explorers, travellers, and novelists constructing textual selves and imagining the unthinkable in lands and islands beyond the sea from Christopher Columbus to Alexander von Humboldt / Norman Simms
New York - Pace university press, c1995
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Simo Santonja, Vicente-Luis
Divorcio y separacion - derecho comparado y conflictual europeo / Vicente Luis Simo Santonja
Madrid - Ed. Tecnos, c1973
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Simon, Constantin
2- The first years 1929-1939 / by Constantin Simon S.J
Roma - Opere religiose russe, °2002
Incluso in > Russicum - pioneers and witnesses of the struggle for Christian unity in Eastern Europe
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Simon, Constantin
The greek-catholic diocese of Munkács / Mukacevo- a testimony of faith
Incluso in > Fede e martirio- le chiese orientali cattoliche nell'Europa del Novecento - atti del Convegno di storia ecclesiastica contemporanea - Citta del Vaticano, 22-24 ottobre 1998
Testo a stampa

Simon, Constantin
1- Leonid Feodorov, Vendelín Javorka, Theodore Romkža - three historical sketches / by Costantin Simon S. J
Roma - Opere religiose russe, 2001
Incluso in > Russicum - pioneers and witnesses of the struggle for Christian unity in Eastern Europe
Testo Monografico

Simon, Denys
La Communaute economique europeenne dans les relations internationales / Denys Simon, Enrico Grillo Pasquarelli, Nicole Kleman ; preface de Robert Kovar
Nancy - Centre Europeen Universitaire, stampa 1972
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Simon, Denys
La directive europeenne / Denys Simon
Paris - Dalloz, 1997
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