Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Film

Pagina nr. 4872 di 6414       

Watchmen / directed by Zack Snyder ; screenplay by David Hayter and Alex Tse ; based on the graphic novel co-created by Dave Gibbons ; director of photography Larry Fong ; music by Tyler Bates
(Roma - Paramount home entertainment, (2010

Watchmen - i racconti del vascello nero / directed by David Mathies ; music by Paula Gallitano ; based on the graphic-novel "Watcmen" co-created by dave Gibbons
(Italia - Paramount pictures, c2009

Water / (regia di) Deepa Mehta ; prodotto da David Hamilton ; scritto e diretto da Deepa Mehta ; montaggio Colin Monte ; fotografia Giles Nuttgens ; scenografia Dilip Mehta ; musiche originali Mychael Danna ; costumi Dolly Ahluwallia
(Milano - Eagle Pictures (distributore , ©2007
Incluso in > Water ; Earth ; Fire / Deepa Mehta

Water / director Dick Clement
(Gran Bretagna) - Warner home video, c1989

Water / un film di Deepa Mehta ; direttore della fotografia Giles Nuttgens ; montaggio Colin Monie ; musiche composte da Mychael Danna ; prodotto da David Hamilton
Milano - Eagle pictures - Videa CDE, (2006)

Water / un film di Deepa Mehta ; direttore della fotografia Giles Nuttgens ; montaggio Colin Monie ; musiche composte da Mychael Danna ; prodotto da David Hamilton
Milano - Eagle pictures - Videa CDE, (2007)

Water damage / director Murray Battle ; music Brian West & Philispher Kings
(Italia - E Motion Entertainment, p.1999

Water fan / un film di Fabrizio Plessi ; coreografia Margaret Fisher ; muisca Robert Hughes ; realizzato da Lola Bonora, Carlo Ansaloni, Giovanni Grandi
Ferrara - Centro Videoarte Palazzo dei Diamanti, 1982

The water horse - la leggenda degli abissi / directed by Jay Russell ; music by James Newton Howard ; director of photography Oliver Stapleton ; based on the book by Dick King-Smith ; screenplay by Robert Nelson Jacobs
Milano - Sony Pictures home entertainment, ©2008

The water horse - la leggenda degli abissi / directed by Jay Russell ; screenplay by Robert Nelson Jacobs ; based on the book by Dick King-Smith ; director of photography Oliver Stapleton ; music by James Newton Howard
Milano - Sony Pictures home entertainment, ©2008

Water makes money - come le multinazionali fanno profitti sull'acqua / un film di Leslie Franke e Herdolor Lorenz
(Italia) - Attac Italia, (2011)

Water on the road - Eddie Vedder live / a film by Christoph Green and Brendan Canty
(Stati Uniti) - Monkeywrench, 2011

The water talks to me / Nancy Evelyn Cohen
Watertown - Documentary educational resource, 1989

Water under the bridge - 25 years of the London film festival / edited by Martyn Auty and Gillian Hartnoll
London - British film institute, 1981
Testo Monografico

Water under the bridge- 25 years of the London Film Festival / edited by Martin Auty and Gillian Hartnoll
London - British Film Institute, 1981
Testo Monografico