Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Film

Pagina nr. 5771 di 6414       

Lewis, Randolph
Alanis Obomsawin - the vision of a native filmmaker / Randolph Lewis
Lincoln and London - University of Nebraska, c2006
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Lewis, Robert Michael
Perfect crime / directed by Robert Lewis ; written by Selma Thompson ; director of photography Irek Hartowicz ; edited by Andrew London ; music by Joseph Conlan ; starring Mitzi Kapture ... (ed altri). - USA - Paramount ; (Milano) - CIC Video (distr)., 1998. - 1 videocassetta (VHS) (ca. 88 min.) - color., son. ; 22 cm. ' Tit. dal contenitore. - Ripr. del film TV del 1997 prod. USA

Lexmann, Juraj
Teo´ria filmovej hudby
Bratislava - Veda, vydavatel stvo Slovenskej akade´mie vied, 1981
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Lexmann, Juraj
Theory of Film Music / Juraj Lexmann
Frankfurt am Main (etc.) - Peter Lang, 2006
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Leyda, Jay
Films beget films / Jay Leyda
New York - Hill and Wang, 1964
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Leyda, Jay
Dianying - an account of films and the film audience in China / Jay Leyda
Cambridge, Mass. - The MIT Press, 1972
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Leyda, Jay
Films beget films / Jay Leyda
London - Allen & Unwin, c1964
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Leyda, Jay
An index to the creative work of Vsevelod I. Pudovkin / by Jay Leyda
London - Sight and sound, 1948
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Leyda, Jay
Kino - a history of Russian and Soviet film / Jay Leyda
New York - Collier, 1973
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Leyda, Jay
Kino - a history of the Russian and Soviet film / Jay Leyda
London (etc.) - G. Allen & Unwin, 1983
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Leyda, Jay
Kino - a history of the Russian and Soviet film - a study of the development of Russian cinema, from 1896 to the present / Jay Leyda
London - Allen & Unwin, 1973
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Leyda, Jay
Kino - histoire du cinéma russe et soviétique / Jay Leyda ; traduit de l'anglais par Claude-Henri Rochat
Lausanne - L'Age d'Homme, 1976
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Leyda, Jay
Kino - a history of the Russian and Soviet film / Jay Leyda
London - G. Allen & Unwin, 1960
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Leyda, Jay
Storia del cinema russo e sovietico / Jay Leyda ; traduzione di Luisa Pavolini
Milano - Club degli editori, stampa 1964
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Leyda, Jay
Storia del cinema russo e sovietico / Jay Leyda ; traduzione di Luisa Pavolini
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1964
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