Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Titolo - senza autore)
Argomento: Letteratura

Pagina nr. 894 di 2355       

The Eighteenth century / edited by Pat Rogers
London - Methuen, 1978
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Eighteenth century essays on Shakespeare / edited by D. Nichol Smith
New York - Russel and Russel, 1962
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Eighteenth century fiction
Hamilton Ontario - McMaster University, Department of English
Pubblicazione Periodica

Eighteenth-century English drama / edited and with an introduction by Joseph Wood Krutch
New York etc. - Bantam books, 1967
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Eighteenth-century English literature - modern essays in criticism / edited by James L. Clifford
New York - Oxford University Press, 1959
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Eighteenth-century fiction on screen / edited by Robert Mayer
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 2002
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Eighteenth-century French theatre - aspects and contexts / studies presented to E. J. H. Greene ; edited by Magdy Gabriel Badir and David J. Langdon
Edmonton - Departments of romance languages and comparative literature of the University of Alberta, 1986
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Eikasmós - quaderni bolognesi di filologia classica
Bologna - Alma mater studiorum, 1990 -
Pubblicazione Periodica

Einaudi Tascabili. Letteratura.
Testo Monografico

Einaudi Tascabili. Letteratura.
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Eingebildete Texte - Affairen zwischen Psychoanalyse und Literaturwissenschaft / Jochen Hörisch, Georg Christoph Tholen (Hrsg.)
Munchen - Fink, 1985
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Eirene - studia graeca et latina
Praha - Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, 1960-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Eirene - studia Graeca et Latina
Praha - Nakladatelství Ceskoslovenské Akademie Vęd, 1960-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Eirik il rosso e altre saghe vichinghe
Torino - Einaudi, c1973, stampa 1976
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Eirik il rosso e altre saghe vichinghe
Torino - Einaudi, 1976
Testo Monografico