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Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 2044 di 3407       

Leeuwarder apotheek na de galenisch-chymice manier, door forguldigen arbeid van 't Collegie der Medicijns aldaar opgemaakt ... in duits gebragt alleen door F.J. Winter
T' Amsterdam - by Jan ten Hoorn, boekverkoper tegen over 't Oude Heere Logement, 1702
Testo Monografico

La lega lombarda - narrazione storico popolare di un medico condotto
Milano - E. Croci, stampa 1876
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Legal and ethical issues in human reproduction / edited by Bonnie Steinbock
Aldershot etc. - Ashgate - Dartmouth, c2002
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Legal and practical requirements for the registration of drugs (medical products) for human use
Zurich - IFPMA, 1980
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Legal issues in medicine / edited by Sheila A. M. McLean
Aldershot - Gower, c1981
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Legal medicine / edited by R. B. H. Gradwohl
St. Louis - The C.V. Mosby Company, 1954
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Legal medicine / the official journal of the Japanese society of legal medicine
Tokyo - Japanese society of legal medicine, ©1999-
Pubblicazione Periodica

Legal medicine - pathology and toxicology / by Thomas A. Gonzales ... (ed altri)
New York, London - D. Appleton Century company, 1937
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Legal medicine - pathology and toxicology / by Thomas A. Gonzales ... ed altri - 2. ed
New York - Appleton Century Crofts, c1954
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Legal medicine in history / edited by Michael Clark and Catherine Crawford
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1994
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Legal medicine with special reference to diagnostic imaging / edited by A. Everette James
Baltimore ; Munich - Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1980
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Legal status of traditional medicine and complementary/alternative medicine - a worldwide review / World Health Organization
Geneva - World Health Organization, 2001
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The legal, medical and cultural regulation of the body - transformation and transgression / edited by Stephen W. Smith, Ronan Deazley
Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT - Ashgate, ©2009
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Legenda. S. Catharinae Medicae reginae matris, vitae, actorum, & consiliorum, quibus vniuersum regni Gallici statum turbare conata est, stupenda eáque vera enarratio
, 1575
Testo Monografico

Legge 14 Luglio 1898, n 335 che istituisce una cassa-pensioni a favore dei Medici condotti
Aquila - Stab. Tip. Ditta Grossi, 1898
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