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Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 1622 di 8096       

Champier, Symphorien (1472-1539)
Symphonia Platonis cum Aristotele- & Galeni cum Hippocrate D. Symphoriani Champerij. Hippocratica philosophia eiusdem. Platonica medicina de duplici mundo- cum eiusdem scholijs. Speculum medicinale platonicum- & apologia literarum humaniorum
Vaenundantur ab Iodoco Badio (Parrhisijs - Impressum est ... apud Badium, 1516. XIIII Calen. Maias 18 IV )
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Champion, Pierre
Catherine de Médicis présente a Charles 9. son royaume - 1564-1566 / Pierre Champion
Paris - B. Grasset, 1937
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Champion, Pierre
Louis 11. et ses physiciens / par Pierre Champion ; préface du professeur Laignel-Lavastine
Lyon - CIBA, 1935
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Champion, Pierre
Paris au temps des guerres de religion - Paris sous le derniers Valois- fin du regne de Henri 2., regence de Catherine de Medicis, Charles 9. / Pierre Champion
Paris - Calmann-Levy, 1938
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Champness, William Swain
An insurance dictionary - being a practical explanation of the technical, medical, legal and scientific terms ... / William Swain Champness
London - T. Murby, 1879
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Champney, Betty
Symptoms, signs and syndromes - a medical glossary / B. Champney ; F. G. Smiddy
London - Baillière Tindall, 1979
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Chan, Kelvin
Interactions between Chinese herbal medicinal products and orthodox drugs / Kelvin Chang and Lily Cheung.- London - Taylor & Francis, 2003
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Chanca, Diego Alvarez
Lettera del dottor Diego Alvarez Chanca medico della flotta di Colombo, 1493-1494 / introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di Maurizio Rippa Bonati e José Pardo Tomás
Firenze - Edizioni riviste scientifiche, 1989
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Chancellor, Philip M.
Dr. Philip M. Chancellors Handbook of the Bach flower remedies
New Canaan, Conn. - Keats publishing, c1980
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Chancellor, Philip M.
I fiori di Bach / Philip M. Chancellor
Milano - Armenia, c1991
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Chancellor, Philip M.
I fiori di Bach / Philip M. Chancellor
Milano - Armenia, ©1995
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Chancerel, G.
Historique de la gymnastique médicale - depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours / par G. Chancerel
Paris - A. Delahaye, 1864
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Chand, Diwan Harish
Follow up of the case / Diwan Harish Chand
Incluso in > Homeotherapy - organ of the Homeopathic Physicians of the Pacific / California State Homeopathic Medical Society
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Chand, Diwan Harish
Physician heal thyself / Diwan Harish Chand
Incluso in > Homeotherapy - organ of the Homeopathic Physicians of the Pacific / California State Homeopathic Medical Society
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Chand, Diwan Harrish (medico omeopatico)
Arzt heil dich selbst / Diwan Harrish Chand
Incluso in > Zeitschrift fur klassische Homoopathie und Arzneipotenzierung
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