Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Medicina

Pagina nr. 3844 di 8096       

Hunter, Donald
Invocazione di medici a Dio proposta da Robert Hutchinson / (Donald Hunter)
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), stampa 1984 (Pisa - IGRAF)
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Hunter, George W.
Hunters tropical medicine and emerging infectious diseases / G. Thomas Strickland ; associate editors Alan J. Magill, Larry W. Laughlin
Philadelphia etc. - W. B. Saunders, c2000
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Hunter, George William
A manual of tropical medicine / George W. Hunter, William W. Frye, J. Clyde Swartzwelder
Philadelphia - Saunders, c1960
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Hunter, George Yeates
A new and complete domestic medicine for home and abroad ... / by George Yeates Hunter
London - Henry Renshaw, 1879
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Hunter, John (1728-1793)
Memorie medico-chirurgiche e d'altro argomento del sig. Gio. Hunter ... Tradotte dall'inglese. Tomo 1
Pavia - per gli eredi di Pietro Galeazzi, 1795-
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Hunter, John (1728-1793)
Osservazioni sulla febbre di prigione o d'ospedale del signor Giovanni Hunter M.D. lette nel collegio dei medici di Londra
Londra, 1792
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Hunter, John D.
Manners and customs of several Indian tribes located west of the Mississippi; including some account of the soil, climate, and vegetable productions, and the Indian materia medica- to which is prefixed the history of the author's life during a residence of several years among them. By John D. Hunter
Philadelphia - Printed and pubished for the author, by J. Maxwell, S.E. corner of fourth and Walnut streets, 1823
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Hunter, Myra
La mia menopausa - i consigli dei medici e l'esperienza delle donne / Myra Hunter
Torino - EDT, 1993
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Hunter, Pamela
Veterinary medicine - a guide to historical sources / Pamela Hunter
Aldershot - Ashgate, c2004
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Hunter, Richard L.
Psychiatry for the poor - 1851 Colney Hatch Asylum Friern Hospital 1973 - a medical and social history / by Richard Hunter and Ida Macalpine
Folkestone - Dawsons of Pall Mall, c1974
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Hunter, William (1718-1783)
(Vol. 5)- Descrizione anatomica dell'utero umano gravido e delle parti in esso contenute, di Guglielmo Hunter ... Tradotta dall'inglese
Pavia - presso il librajo Giovanni Torri - coi tipi di Giovanni Giacomo Capelli, 1819
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Hunting, Penelope
The history of the Royal Society of medicine / Penelope Hunting
London - The Royal Society of medicine press, c2002
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Huntington, June
General work and general medical Practice / June Huntington
London - George Allen & Unwin, 1981
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Huppert, H.
1- Analytischer theil - mit 3 lithographirten tafeln und 48 holzschnitten / bearbeitet von dr H. Huppert
Wiesbaden - Kreidel, 1890
Incluso in > Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantitativen analyse des harns sowie zur beurtheilung der veranderungen dieses secrets mit besonderer rucksicht auf die zwecke des praktischen arztes - zum gebrauche f...
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Hurault, Jean
Le probleme de la delivrance des medicaments en France / Jean Hurault
(Parigi - Sirey, 1962
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