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(ordinato per Autore) su:
Medicina (GAR-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1656
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1850


segue MEDICINE [pagina inizio voce]

Jepson, Lance
Exotic animal medicine - a quick reference guide / Lance Jepson ; foreword by Scott J. Stahl
Edinburgh (etc.) - Elsevier Saunders, 2009
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Jewkes, John
Value for money in medicine / by John and Sylvia Jewkes
Oxford - B. Blackwell, 1963
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Joffroy, Alix
De l'influence des excitations cutanèes sur la circulation et la calorification / thése présentée au concours pour l'agrégation (Section de médecine et de médecine légale) par A. Joffroy
Paris - A. Parent, 1878
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Johansson, Ingvar
Medicine & philosophy - a twenty-first century introduction / Ingvar Johansson, Niels Lyn e
Frankfurt - Ontos Verlag, 2008
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John - of Gaddesden (1280?-1361)
Rosa anglica practica medicine a capite ad pedes nouiter impressa & perquam diligentissime emendata
(Impressa Venetiis - mandato & expensis heredum nobilis viri domini Octauiani Scoti ciuis modoetiensis - per Bonetum Locatellum Bergomensem presbyterum, 1516 Kalen. Ianuarias (1.I'
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Johnson, C. A.
Drug identification - a scheme for the identification of organic chemicals used in medicine and pharmacy / edited by C. A. Johnson ; with the assistance of A. D. Thornton-Jones
London - The pharmaceutical press, c1966
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Johnson, Frank H.
The theory of rate processes in biology and medicine / Frank H. Johnson, Henry Eyring, Betsy Jones Stover
New York (etc.) - J. Wiley & Sons, c1974
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Johnson, Norman McI.
Pneumologia / N. Mcl. Johnson
Torino - Centro scientifico, 1991
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Johnson, Norman McI.
Vademecum di pneumologia / Norman Mcl. cioè McI. Johnson ; traduzione a cura del dr. Massimo Bratto
Napoli - Martinucci, 1986
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Johnson, Shirley A
Coagulation and transfusion in clinical medicine / Shirley A. Johnson, Tibor J. Greenwalt
Boston - Little, Brown and co., c1965
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Johnstone, Rutherford T.
Occupational diseases and industrial medicine / Rutherford T. Johnstone, Seward E. Miller
Philadelphia ; London - Saunders, 1960
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Johnstone, Rutherford T.
Occupational medicine and industrial hygiene / Rutherford T. Johnstone
St. Louis - Mosby Co., 1948
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Joint committee on the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
Report - presented to Parlament by the secretary of state for social services, the secretary of state for Scotland, the Minister of agriculture, fisheries and food and the secretary of state for wales by Command of Her Majesty - November 1969 / Joint committee on the use of antibiotics in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine
London - Her Majesty's stationery office, (19..)
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Joint conference computer vision, virtual reality and robotics in medicine and medical robotics and computer-assisted surgery (1. ; 1997 ; Grenoble)
CVRMed-MRCAS'97 - first Joint conference computer vision, virtual reality and robotics in medicine and medical robotics and computer-assisted surgery - Grenoble, France, March 19-22, 1997 - proceedings / Jocelyne Troccaz, Eric Grimson, Ralph Mosges (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1997
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Joint European conference on artificial intelligence in medicine and medical decision making (1999 ; Aalborg)
Artificial intelligence in medicine - joint European conference on artificial intelligence in medicine and medical decision making, AIMDM'99, Aalborg, Denmark, June 20-24, 1999 - proceedings / Werner Horn ... ed altri (eds.)
Berlin etc. - Springer, c1999
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