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(ordinato per Autore) su:
Medicina (GAR-Z) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1672
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1850


segue MEDICINE [pagina inizio voce]

Lambling, Eugène
Des procedes de dosage de l'hemoglobine - these presentee a la Faculte de Medicine de Nancy pour obtenir le grade de docteur en Medicinw / par eugene Lambling
Nancy - Impr. Nanceinne, 1882
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Lampton, David M.
The politics of medicine in China - the policy process, 1949-1977 / David M. Lampton
Boulder (Col.) - Westview Press ; Folkstone (England) - Dawson, 1977
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Lancini, Cesare
Functional role of transcription factor Sox2 and its interaction with Emx2 in mouse brain neural stem cells and neuronal differentiation - PhD program in translational and molecular medicine, DIMET / Cesare Lancini ; coordinator- Andrea Biondi ; tutor- Silvia K. Nicolis
(Milano, 2008)
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Landry, Gregory L.
Essentials of primary care sports medicine / Gregory L. Landry, David T. Bernhardt
Champaign (IL) - Human Kinetics, c2003
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Lang, Thomas
How to report statistics in medicine - annotated guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers / Thomas A. Lang, Michelle Secic
Philadelphia - American College of Physicians, 2006
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Lang, Thomas Allen
How to report statistics in medicine - annotated guidelines for authors, editors, and reviewers / Thomas A. Lang, Michelle Secic ; with a foreword by Edward J. Huth
Philadelphia - American college of physicians, ©1997
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Lange, Robert C.
Nuclear medicine for technicians / by Robert C. Lange
Chicago - Year book medical publishers, c1973
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Langlebert, Edmond
Guide pratique scientifique et administratif de l'étudiant en médecine, ou conseils aux élèves sur la direction qu'ils doivent donner à leurs études - suivi des règlements universitaires relatifs a l'enseignement de la médicine ... / par Edmond Langlebert
Paris (etc) - J. B. Baillière, 1852
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Lansberg, M. P.
A primer of space medicine / by M. P. Lansberg ; with a foreword by Wernher von Braun
Amsterdam (etc.) - Elsevier, 1960
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Lantum, Daniel
Traditional medicine problems of practice and communication in Cameroon - experiences of village health care providers - report of a seminar, held by traditional medecine-men in the Public health unit of U.C.H.S. of the University (of) Yaoundé, 3-7. October, 1977 / by Dan N. Lantum (ed.)
Testo Monografico

Lanzani, Chiara (1974- )
Diagnostica ecografica nella patologia endometriale e tubarica - corso di dottorato di ricerca in scienza dello sviluppo prenatale diagnosi e terapia fetale, ciclo 23. - tesi di dottorato / Chiara Lanzani ; tutors- F. P. G. Leone, V. Savasi ; relatore- E. Ferrazzi
(Milano, 2009)
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Laplantine, François
La medicine populaire des campagnes francaises aujourd'hui / François Laplantine
Paris - J.-P. Delarge, c1978
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Laposata, Michael
SI unit conversion guide / Michael Laposata
Boston, Mass. - NEJM books, c1992
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Lappin, Michael R.
Feline internal medicine secrets / Michael R. Lappin
Philadelphia - Hanley & Belfus, c2001
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Larre, Claude
Spleen and stomach - Chinese medicine from the classics / Claude Larre and Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallee
Cambridge - Monkey press, 1990
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