(ordinamento per Autore) Argomento: Musica (A-BOR) |
Pagina nr. 6324 di 9315 |
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(Roma) - Columbia tristar home video, (2000) Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / directed by Rob Reiner ; based on thenovel The body by Stephen King ; screenplay by Raynold Gideon & Bruce A. Evans; music by Jack Nitzsche Regno Unito - Columbia Tristar Home Video, 1993 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / directed by Rob Reiner ; music by Jack Nitzsche ; based on the novel by Stephen King (Milano) - RCA/Columbia pictures video (distributore), c1990 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / directed by Rob Reiner ; screenplay by Raynold Gideon e Bruce A. Evans ; based on the novel The body by Stephen King ; music by Jack Nitzsche (Italia) - Sony pictures home entertainment (distributore), 2000 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / directed by Rob Reiner ; screenplay by Raynold Gideon e Bruce A. Evans ; based on the novel The body by Stephen King ; music Jack Nitzsche (Milano - Sony Pictures home entertainment, ©2007 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / directed by Rob Reiner ; screenplay by Raynold Gideon e Bruce A. Evans ; based on the novel The body by Stephen King ; music Jack Nitzsche Novara - De Agostini, c2007 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / directed by Rob Reiner ; screenplay by Raynold Gideon e Bruce A. Evans ; based on the novel The body by Stephen King ; music Jack Nitzsche (Milano) - Sony Pictures home entertainment, 2007 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / regia Bob Reiner (i.e. Rob Reiner) ; musiche Jack Nitzsche ; sceneggiatura Raynold Gideon & Bruce A. Evans ; tratto dalla novella The body di Stephen King (Roma) - L'Unita, (1995 ) Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / regia di Rob Reiner ; musica di Jack Nitzscshe ; sceneggiatura di Raynold Gideon e Bruce A. Evans ; basato sul una novella di Stephen King ; interpreti- Will Wheaton, River Phoenix... (ed altri Milano - Columbia Tristar home video, 1993 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / tratto da un romanzo di Stephen King ; directed by Rob Reiner ; screenplay by Raynold Gideon e Bruce A. Evans ; music Jack Nitzsche (Milano) - Columbia tristar home entertainment, c2005 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / tratto da un romanzo di Stephen King ; directed by Rob Reiner ; screenplay by Raynold Gideon e Bruce A. Evans ; music Jack Nitzsche (Milano) - Columbia tristar home entertainment, c2012 Audiovisivo Stand by me - ricordo di un'estate / un film di Rob Reiner ; musiche di Jack Nitzsche ; sceneggiatura di Raynold Gideon & Bruce A. Evans ; tratto dalla novella "The body" di Stephen King (Roma) - L'Unità, (1996) Audiovisivo Standard Foreign Vocal Series - Italian, French & German / with the original words & english translations by M. X. Hayes, finlay Finlayson & Edward Oxenford ; the music by George Fox London - Cuningham Boosey & Co., (18..) Incluso in > Cuningham Boosey's Universal Music Musica (stampa) STANDARD HISTORY OF MUSIC / James Francis Cooke Philadelphia - THEODORE PRESSER COMPANY Musica (stampa) Standard operating procedure - la verità dell'orrore / un film di Errol Morris ; director of photography Robert Chappell & Robert Richardson ; music by Danny Elfman Milano - Sony Pictures home entertainment, ©2009 Audiovisivo |