Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Musica (NOR-Z)

Pagina nr. 6210 di 6515       

Worbs, Hans Christoph
Welterfolge der modernen Oper / Hans Christoph Worbs
Berlin - Rembrandt, ©1967
Testo Monografico

Wordsworth, Jonathan
The music of humanity - a critical study of Wordsworth's «Ruined cottage» - incorporating texts from a manuscript of 1799-1800
London ; Edinburgh - Nelson, 1969
Testo Monografico

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
All attendants a part / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
Bright sol at length by Thetis woo'd / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
An English Cantata sung at Vaux-Hall by Mr. Lowe and Three English Songs / set to Musick by Mr. Worgan
London - J. Walsh, (1745 ca.)
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
The fairing / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
I told my Nymph / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
The moon fhone forth ferenely bright / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
A song - from Anacreon / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
London - John Johnson, 1758
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
Stint me not in Love or Wine / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
That I might not be plagu'd / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
The western sky was purpled o'er with / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
When Tu to r'd under Mamma's Care / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)

Worgan, James (1715-1753)
Where's my Swain so bly the and clever / (music by M.r Worgan)
Incluso in > The songs and ballad(s) ... - book the 7. / set by M.r Worgan
Musica (stampa)