Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Musica (NOR-Z)

Pagina nr. 6223 di 6515       

Wye, Trevor
2- Tecnica / Trevor Wye
Roma - Accademia italiana del flauto, ©1992
Incluso in > Practice book - edizione italiana / Trevor Wye
Musica (stampa)

Wylde, Henry
Music in its Art-Mysteries / by Henry Wylde
London - The office St. George Hall, 1867
Testo Monografico

Wylde, Henry
Occult principles of music / four lectures given by professor Wylde on the evenings of November 29-30, and December 1-2, 1881 at Gresham college
London - A. S. Mallett, °1881
Testo Monografico

Wylde, John
Musica manualis cum tonale / Johannis Wylde ; edidit Cecil Sweeney
(Roma) - American institute of musicology ; Neuhausen-Stuttgart - Hanssler, 1982
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Wylie, Philip
Opera 21 - musica descrittiva per il pił basso periodo dell'era atomica ... / Philip Wylie
Milano - A. Martello, stampa 1955
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Wylie, Philip
Opus 21 - descriptive music for the Lower Kinsey epcoh of the atomic age, a concerto for a one-man band, six arias for soap operas, fuges, anthems & barrelhouse / by Philip Wylie
New York - Pocket books, 1960
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Wymeersch, Brigitte - van
Descartes et l'evolution de l'esthetique musicale / Brigitte Van Wymeersch
Sprimont - Mardaga, c1999
Testo Monografico

Wyn-Jones, David
The life of Haydn / David Wyn Jones
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 2009
Testo Monografico

Wyner, Yehudi
Commedia - for clarinet and piano / Yehudi Wyner
New York - Associated Music publishers, stampa 2004
Musica (stampa)

Wynn, Steve
...tick...tick...tick / Steve Wynn and the Miracle 3
Abstatt - Blue Rose Records, p2005
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Wynn, Steve
Live at big Mama / Steve Wynn and the Miracle 3
Italia - G.D.D., 2002
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Wynn, Steve
Melting in the dark / Steve Wynn
(Berlin - Offworld ; Napoli - Flying, ©1995
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Wynn, Steve
Northern aggression / Steve Wynn & The miracle 3
Abstatt - Blue rose records, 2010
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Wynn, Steve
Static transmission / Steve Wynn & The Miracle 3 ; produced by Steve Wynn and Craig Schumacher
Abstatt - Blue Rose records, (2003)
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Wynne, Richard (sec. 18.-19.)
Six divertimentos for a violin, tenor and violoncello / composed by Richard Wynne esq.r and published by Lewis Borghi
London - William Forster, ¢circa 1781
Musica (stampa)