Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
La Musica

Pagina nr. 303
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Buck, Percy Carter
The scope of music / by Percy C. Buck
London - Humphrey Milford - Oxford University Press, 1927
Saggio Monografico

Bucken, Ernst
Geist und Form im musikalischen Kunstwerk / von Ernst Bucken
Potsdam - Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, c1932
Saggio Monografico

Bucken, Ernst
Die Musik der Nationen - Eine Musikgeschichte / von Ernst Bucken
Leipzig - Kroner, c1937
Saggio Monografico

Bucken, Ernst
Die Musik des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Moderne / von Dr. Ernst Bucken
Potsdam - Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, c1932
Saggio Monografico

Bucken, Ernst
Die Musik des Rokokos und der Klassik / von Dr. Ernst Bucken
Potsdam - Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Athenaion, c1932
Saggio Monografico

Bucken, Ernst
Worterbuch der Musik / von Ernst Bucken
Leipzig - Dieterich, 1940
Saggio Monografico

Bucsan, Andrei
Jocuhi din Akdealul de Sud / Andrei Bucsan
(Bucaresti) - Editura de Stat Didactica si Pedagogica, 1957
Saggio Monografico

Budd, Malcolm
Music and the emotions - the philosophical theories / Malcolm Budd
London - Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985
Saggio Monografico

Budd, Malcolm
Music and the emotions - the philosophical theories / Malcolm Budd
London ; New York - Routledge, 1992
Saggio Monografico

Budday, Wolfgang
Grundlagen musikalischer Formen der Wiener Klassik - an Hand der zeitgenossischen Theorie von Joseph Riepel und Heinrich Christoph Koch dargestellt an Menuetten und Sinatensatzen (1750-1790) / Wolfgang Budday
Kassel - Barenreiter, 1983
Saggio Monografico

Buel, James W.
The great operas - the romantic legends upon which the masters of song have founded their famous lyrical compositions. Section two / introduced by Giuseppe Verdi ; edited by James W. Buel
London (etc.) - The Societe universelle lyrique, c1899
Saggio Monografico

Buelow, George J.
Through-bass accompaniment according to Johann David Heinichen / George J. Buelow
Ann Arbor - UMI research press, c1986
Saggio Monografico

Bugnini, Annibale
Legislazione musicale-liturgica - appunti per la scuola
Roma - Tip. R. Pioda, 1964
Saggio Monografico

Buker, Alden
A humanistic approach to music appreciation - music and living from practical to aesthetic / Alden Buker
Palo Alto - The National Press, 1964
Saggio Monografico

Buker, Alden
A social approach to music appreciation - music and history from stone age to the steel age / Alden Buker
Palo Alto - The National Press, 1963
Saggio Monografico

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