Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 3204 di 5171       

Hensel, Regina Sylvia
Mare in vento - l'evo della luce meridiana - calligrafia poetica / Regina Sylvia Hensel
Argelato - Minerva, 2013
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Henson, Lance
Strong heart song - lines from a revolutionary text / poetry by Lance Henson
Albuquerque - West End, 1997
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Henson, Lance
Tra il buio e la luce - i dialoghi e la terra di un poeta cheyenne / Lance Henson
Milano - Selene, 1993
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HENSON, Michael (poeta)
Crow call / poems by Michael Henson
Albuquerque - West End Press, c2006
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Heraclitus - Ephesius
3- Les fragments du livre d'Héraclite. A, Le langage de l'obscur - introduction à la poétique des fragments / par Serge N. Mouraviev
Sankt Augustin - Academia, 2002
Incluso in > 3- Recensio - ?les ?Vestiges.
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Herberichs, Cornelia
Poetik und Geschichte - das "Liet von Troye" Herborts von Fritzlar / Cornelia Herberichs
Wurzburg - Konigshausen & Neumann, 2010
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Herbert, George (1593-1633)
George Herbert and the seventeenth -century religious poets - authoritative texts criticism / selected and edited by Mario A. Di Cesare
New York ; London - Norton, c1978
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Herbert, George (1593-1633)
Latin poetry of George Herbert - a bilingual edition / translated by Mark McCloloskey and Paul R. Murphy - Athens, OH - Ohio University press, c1965
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Herbert, George (1593-1633)
The poetical works / with life, critical dissertion and explanatory notes by G. Gilfillan
Edimburgh - Nichol, 1853
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Herbert, George (1593-1633)
The poetical works of George Herbert / edited by A. B. Grosart
London - G. Bell and sons, 1886
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Herbert, W. N.
To circumjack MacDiarmid - the poetry and prose of Hugh MacDiarmid / W. N. Herbert
Oxford etc. - Clarendon press, Oxford, 1992
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Herbert, Zbigniew
Korespondencja - z faksymiliami listow i wierszy, fotografiami oraz aneksem zawierajacym nieznane wypowiedzi Herberta o Miloszu i Milosza o Herbercie, a takze komentarze Katarzyny Herbertowej i Marka Skwarnickiego oraz wiersze obu Poetow / Zbigniew Herbert, Czeslaw Milosz ; (red. Barbara Torunczyk)
Warszawa - Zeszyty literackie, 2006
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Herbert, Zbigniew
Qui sono stato felice - Festival di Zbigniew Herbert a dieci anni dalla scomparsa del Poeta - 7-9 giugno 2008 / Letture e traduzioni delle poesie di Herbert a cura di studenti e giovani polonisti
Roma - Istituto Polacco di Roma, 2008
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Herbst, Johann Georg
2- Die prophetischen und poetischen Bücher / J. B. Herbst
Karlsruhe und Freiburg - Herder, 1842
Incluso in > 2- Specielle Einleitung
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Hercourt, Jean
Elements d'une poetique - etudes / Jean Hercourt
Geneve - Club du poeme, 1964
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