Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 3412 di 5171       

Krevans, Nita
The poet as editor- Callimachus, Virgil, Horace, Propertius and the development of the poetic book / by Nita Krevans
Ann Arbor, MI - University Microfilms International, stampa 1984
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Krevans, Nita
The poet as editor- Callimachus, Virgil, horace, Propertius and the development of the poetic book / Nita Krevans
Ann Arbor - University Microfilms international, stampa 1998
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Kreymborg, Alfred
An anthology of American poetry - lyric America, 1630-1941 / by Alfred Kre ymborg
New York - Tudor Publishing Co, 1941
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Kriaras, Emmanouel
La connaissance de l'antiquite et le sentiment national chez Vincent Kornaros poete cretois du dix-septieme siecle / E. Kriaras
The Hague ; Paris - Mouton & Co., 1966
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Kridl, Manfred
Adam Mickiewicz poet of Poland - a symposium / edited by Manfred Kridl ; with a foreword by Ernest J. Simmons
New York - Columbia University Press, 1951
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Krieger, Murray
The new apologists for poetry / by Murray Krieger
Minneapolis - The University of Minnesota Press, 1956
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Krieger, Murray
The new apologists for poetry / by Murray Krieger
Bloomington - Indiana University press, 1963
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Krieger, Murray
Poetic presence and illusion - essays in critical history and theory / Murray Krieger
Baltimore ; London - Johns Hopkins university press, c1979
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Krieger, Murray
A window to criticism - Shakespeare's Sonnets and modern poetics / by Murray Krieger
Princeton - Princeton University Press, 1964
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Krims, Adam
Rap music and the poetics of identity / Adam Krims
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, ©2000
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Krishnamoorthy, Keralapura
Essays in Sanskrit criticism / by K. Krishnamoorthy ; with a foreword by Armando Menezes
Dharwar - Karnatak university, 1974
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Krishnamurthy, Shikaripura
English Vakrokti Jivita Sangraha - summary of Kuntakas Vakrokti Jivita a treatise on Sanskrit poetics / by Dr. Shikaripura Krishnamurhy
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Krishnamurthy, Shikaripura
Kuntakas Vakrokti and literary criticism - a critical estimate of Kuntakas Vakrokti theory of criticism in Sanskrit poetics / by Dr. Shikaripura Krishnamurthy
Mangalore - Mangalore University, 1994
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Krislov, Alexander
Sapho poete de Lesbos - (No man sings) / Alexander Krislov ; recit historique traduit de l'anglais par Henri Thies
Paris - Editions Pierre Horay, 1956
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Kristeva, Julia
Die Revolution der poetischen Sprache / Julia Kristeva ; aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Reinold Werner
Frankfurt am Main - Suhrkamp, 1999
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