Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 3415 di 5171       

Kržižanovskij, Sigizmund Dominikovic
4- Poetika zaglavij, Filosofema o teatre, Strany, kotoryh net, Fragmenty o Šekspire, Iskusstvo epigrafa (Puškin), Dramaturgiceskie priemy, Bernarda Šou / Sigizmund Kržižanovskij
Sankt-Peterburg - Simposium, 2006
Incluso in > Sobranie socinenij v pjati tomah / Sigizmund Krzizanovskij ; (sost., predislovie i komm. Vadima Perel'mutera)
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Kubayanda, Josaphat B.
The poets Africa - Africanness in the poetry of Nicolas Guillen and Aime Cesaire / Josaphat B. Kubayanda
New York etc. - Greenwood, 1990
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Kubler, Otto
De infinitivo apud Romanorum poetas a nominibus adiectivis apto / vom Kubler
Berlin - G. Lange, 1861
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Kuby, Lolette
An uncommon poet for the common man - a study of Philip Larkin's poetry / by Lolette Kuby
The Hague - Mouton, 1974. -190 p. ; 24 cm., 1974. -190 p.
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Kubícková, Vera
Qaani - počte persan du 19. sičcle / par Vera Kubickova
Prague - Editions de l'Académie tchécoslovauqe des Sciences, 1954
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Kuchar, Gary
The Poetry of Religious Sorrow in Early Modern England / Gary Kuchar
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 2008
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Kudrova, Irma Viktorovna
The death of a poet - the last days of Marina Tsvetaeva / Irma Kudrova ; introduction by Ellendea Proffer ; translated from the Russian by Mary Ann Szporluk
Woodstock ,NY - Overlook Duckworth, 2004
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Kuehn, Clement A.
Channels of imperishable fire - the beginnings of Christian mystical poetry and Dioscorus of Aphrodito / Clement A. Kuehn ; foreword by J. H. W. G. Liebeschuetz
New York etc. - P.Lang, ©1995
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Kugel, James L.
The Idea of biblical poetry - parallelism and its history / James L. Kugel
London - Yale U. P., 1981
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Kugel, James L.
The idea of biblical poetry - parallelism and its history / James L. Kugel
Baltimore ; London - Johns Hopkins University press, 1998
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Kugel, James L.
The techniques of strangeness in symbolist poetry / by James L. Kugel
New Haven - Yale University Press, 1971
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Kuhlmann, Gustav
De poetae et poematis Graecorum appellationibus / Gustavus Kuhlmann
Marpurgi Cattorum - (s.n.), 1906
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Kuhlmann, Quirin
Himmlische Libes-Küsse - uber di fürnemsten Oerter der Hochgeheiligten Schrifft vornemlich des Salomonischen Hohenlides wi auch anderer vergleichen Himmelschmekkende Theologische Bücher Poetisch abgefasset / Quirin Kuhlmann ; hrsg. von Arnfrid Astel
Heidelberg - C. Winter, (1960
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Kuhn, David
La poétique de François Villon / David Kuhn
Paris - Colin, 1967
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Kuhn, Sherman M.
Studies in the language and poetics of Anglo-Saxon England / Sherman M. Kuhn
Ann Arbor (MI) - Karoma, 1984
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