Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (A-KIS)

Pagina nr. 17 di 5334       

Abrahamsen, Rita
Public/private, global/local- the changing contours of Africa's security governance / Rita Abrahamsen & Michael C. Williams
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Abrahamsen, Rita
War & the forgotten continent / Rita Abrahamesen & Ray Bush
Incluso in > Review of African political economy
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Abrahamsson, Bengt
Military professionalization and political power / Bengt Abrahamsson ; with a foreword by Morris Janowitz
Beverly Hills ; London - Sage, c1972
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Abrahamsson, Bengt
Military professionalization and political power - Akademisk avhandling / Bengt Abrahamsson
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1971 (Goteborgs - Offsettryckeri)
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Abrahamsson, Hans
Mozambique- the troubled transition - from socialist costruction to free market capitalism / Hans Abrahamsson and Anders Nilsson ; translated by Mary Dally
London - Zed book, ©1995
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Abram, Giorgio
La collaborazione delle chiese per la difesa dei diritti dell'uomo / Giorgio Abram
Padova - Edizioni Messaggero, 1975
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Abram, Matteo Giorgio
Il problema etico politico da Socrate ad Aristotele / Matteo Giorgio Abram
Firenze - La nuova Italia, (1933 )
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Abramovitz, Moses
Thinking about growth - and other essays on economic growth and welfare / Moses Abramovitz
Cambridge - Cambridge University press, 1989
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Abramowicz, Manuel
Les Rats noirs - l'extrême droite en Belgique francophone / Manuel Abramowicz
Bruxelles - Luc Pire ; Iwerf, 1996
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Abrams, Elliott
Undue process - a story of how political differences are turned into crimes / Elliott Abrams
New York - Free Press ; Toronto - Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York - Maxwell Macmillan International, ©1993
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Abrams, Philip
Il senso del passato e le origini della sociologia / di Philip Abrams.
Incluso in > Comunita - giornale mensile di politica e cultura
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Abrams, Richard M.
Conservatism in a progressive era - Massachusetts politics 1900-1912 / Richard M. Abrams
Cambridge, Mass. - Harvard Univ. Press, 1964
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Abrams, Robert
Foundations of political analysis - an introduction to the theory of collective choice / Robert Abrams
New York - Columbia university, 1980
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Abramson, Glenda
Drama and ideology in modern Israel / Glenda Abramson
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, 1998
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Abramson, Jeffrey B.
The electronic commonwealth - the impact of new media technologies on democratic politics / Jeffrey B. Abramson, F. Christopher Arterton, Gary R. Orren
New York - Basic books, c1990
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