Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Politica (KIS-Z)

Pagina nr. 3999 di 5130       

Starr, Chester G.
Political intelligence in classical Greece / by Chester G. Starr
Lugduni Batavorum - Brill, 1974
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Starr, Chester G.
Lo spionaggio politico nella Grecia classica / Chester G. Starr ; a cura di Corrado Petrocelli ; introduzione di Luciano Canfora
Palermo - Sellerio, 1993
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Starr, John Bryan
Continuing the revolution - the political thought of Mao / John Bryan Starr
Princeton (N.J.) - Princeton University Press, c1979
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Starr, John Bryan
Ideology and culture - an introduction to the dialectic of contemporary chinese politics / John Bryan Starr
New York (etc. - Harper & Row, c1973
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Starr, Mark
Labour politics in U.S.A. / Mark Starr ; foreword by Margaret Cole
London - Fabian publications - Victor Gollancz, 1949
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Starr, Paul
The creation of the media - political origins of modern communications / Paul Starr
New York - Basic Books, c2004
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Starr, Paul
The creation of the media - political origins of modern communications / Paul Starr
New York - Basic books, 2005
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Starr-Lebeau, Gretchen
Creating modern inquisitions in sixteenth-century Europe / por Gretchen Starr-LeBeau
Incluso in > Francisco de Borja y su tiempo - politica, religion y cultura en la edad moderna / Enrique Garcia Hernan, Maria del Pilar Ryan (editores)
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Starrett, Gregory
Putting Islam to work - education, politics, and religious transformation in Egypt / Gregory Starrrett
Berkeley (etc.) - University of California Press, 1998
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Stary, Giovanni
Chinas erste Gesandte in Russland / von Giovanni Stary
Wiesbaden - In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz, 1976 (Neapel - Arte tipografica)
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Stary, Giovanni
I primi rapporti tra Russia e Cina - documenti e testimonianze / Giovanni Stary
Napoli - Guida, c1974, stampa 1976
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Starzinger, Vincent E.
Middlingness - Juste milieu political theory in France and England, 1815-48 / Vincent E. Starzinger
Charlottesville - The University Press of Virginia, (1965
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Starzinger, Vincent E.
The politics of the center - the juste milieu in theory and practice, France and England, 1815-1848 / Vincent E. Starzinger ; with a new introduction by the author and a foreword by Russel Kirk
New Brunswick ; London - Transaction publishers, c1991
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Stasi, Daniele
Thomas Hobbes - modernitą e teoria politica / Daniele Stasi
Cantalupa - Effatą, 2007
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Stasi, Maria
Jean-Franēois Lyotard - ricerca etico-politica - svolta o eclissamento? / Maria Stasi
Bari - Levante, °2004
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