The first year of victory
Peking - Foreign language press, (1950?)
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal and monetary policy / edited by Thomas Mayer and Steven M. Sheffrin
Aldershot, Hants etc. - Elgar
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal crises, liberty, and representative government, 1450-1789 / edited by Philip T. Hoffman and Kathryn Norberg
Stanford, California
Saggio Monografico
The fiscal crisis of the states - lessons for the future / edited by Steven D. Gold
Washington, D. C.
Saggio Monografico
The fiscal dimensions of adjustment in low-income countries / Karim Nashashibi ... ed altri
Washington, DC - International Monetary Fund, 1992
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal institutions and fiscal performance / edited by James M. Poterba and Jurgen von Hagen
Chicago etc. - University of Chicago press, 1999
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policies in economies in transition / edited by Vito Tanzi
Washington - International monetary fund, c1992
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policy - essays in honour of Cedric Sandford / edited by David Collard
Aldershot (etc.) - Avebury, 1989
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policy - lessons from economic research / edited by Alan J. Auerbach
Cambridge, MA
Saggio Monografico
(2)- Fiscal policy and economic reform
London ; New York, 1997
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policy in open developing economies / edited by Vito Tanzi
Washington, D.C. - International Monetary Fund, copyr. 1990
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policy in transition / contributors- Fabrizio Coricelli, Marek Dabrowski and Urszula Kosterna ; editors- Lorand Ambrus-Lakatos, Mark E. Schaffer
London - Centre for economic policy research, c1997
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policy, economic, adjustment and fiscal markets - papers presented at a seminar sponsored by the International Monetary Fund and Centro di Economia Monetaria e Finanziaria, Universita Bocconi, held in Milan on January 28-30, 1988 / edited by Mario Monti
Washington - International Monetary Fund, 1989
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policy, stabilization, and growth in developing countries / edited by Mario I. Blejer and Ke-young Chu
Washington - International monetary fund, 1989
Saggio Monografico
Fiscal policy, taxation and the financial system in an increasingly integrated Europe / edited by Donald E. Fair and Christian De Boissieu ; with contributions from Julian Alworth ... ed altri
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer academic publishers, c1992
Saggio Monografico