Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
Le Scienze Matematiche

Pagina nr. 1298
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1800-1900



Contributions in probability - in memory of Alberto Frigerio - Udine, 12-13 settembre 1994 / editor Carlo Cecchini
Udine - Forum, 1996
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Contributions to probability - a collection of papers dedicated to Eugene Luckacs / edited by J. Gani, V. K. Rohatgi
New York (etc.) - Academic press, 1981
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Contributions to probability and statistics - essays in honor of Ingram Olkin / Leon Jay Gleser ... ed altri editors
New York etc. - Springer, c1989
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Dependence in probability and statistics - a survey of recent results (Oberwolfach 1985) / Ernst Eberlein, Murad S. Taqqu editors
Boston (etc.) - Birkhauser, 1986
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Discrete probability and algorithms / David Aldous ... (ed altri) Editors
New York (etc.) - Springer, (1995)
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Distributions with fixed marginals and related topics / Ludger Ruschendorf, Berthold Schweizer and Michael D. Taylor, editors
Hayward, CA
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Distributions with given marginals and moment problems / edited by Viktor Benes and Josef Stefan
Dordrecht etc. - Kluwer, c1997
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Doeblin and modern probability - proceedings of the Doeblin conference "50 years ofter Doeblin- development in the theory of Markov chains, Markov processes, and sums of random variables", held november 2-7, 1991, with support from the applied probability trust / Harry Cohn, editor
Providence, Rhode Island
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The empire of chance - how probability changed science and everyday life / Gerd Gigerenzer ... ed altri
Cambridge etc. - Cambridge university press, 1989
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Die Entwicklung der Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie von den Anfangen bis 1933 - Einfuhrungen und Texte / herausgegeben von Ivo Schneider
Darmstadt - Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, copyr. 1988
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Esercizi di calcolo delle probabilita e statistica - per scienze dell'informazione - raccolta di temi svolti, periodo 1990-1993
Milano - CUSL, stampa 1993
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Exercise manual in probability theory / J. Stoyanov ... (ed altri) ; edited by K. Kocherlakota
Dordrecht (etc.) - Kluwer, c1989
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Exploring the limits of bootstrap / edited by Raoul LePage, Lynne Billard
New York etc. - Wiley, c1992
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The exponential distribution - theory, methods and applications / edited by N. Balakrishnan and Asit P. Basu
S.l. - Gordon and Breach, c1995
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Extremes in nature - an approach using Copulas / by Gianfausto Salvadori ... (ed altri)
Dordrecht (etc.) - Springer, c2007
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