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Torino - Lindau, 2002
Saggio Monografico
Pastore, Roberto (1969- )
Sulle strade della fiction - le serie poliziesche americane nella storia della televisione / Roberto Pastore
Torino - Lindau, 2008
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Saggio Monografico
Pate, James Ernest
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New York - American book company, 1954
Saggio Monografico
Patel, Kiran Klaus
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Washington - German historical institute ; Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2005
Saggio Monografico
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Beverly Hills - Monitor book company, c1968
Saggio Monografico
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Paterson, Thomas G.
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Paterson, Thomas G.
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Paterson, Thomas G.
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Paterson, Thomas G.
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Saggio Monografico
Paterson, Thomas G.
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Baltimore ; London - The Johns Hopkins University Press, c1973
Saggio Monografico
Patin, Thomas
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New York - Lang, c1999
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Paton, William Andrew (1889- )
The economic position of the United Kingdom- 1912-1918 / by William A. Paton
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Saggio Monografico
Patriarca, Marco Antonio
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Saggio Monografico