[pagina inizio voce]
Kliesch, Klaus
Gli Atti degli apostoli / Klaus Kliesch
Assisi - Cittadella, ©1991
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Klijn, Albertus Frederik Johannes
The Acts of Thomas - Introduction - Text - Commentary / by A. F. J. Klijn
Leiden - Brill, 1962
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Klijn, Albertus Frederik Johannes
Jewish-Christian Gospel tradition / by A. F. J. Klijn
Leiden ecc. - E. J. Brill, 1992
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Klink, Edward W. (3.)
The sheep of the fold - the audience and origin of the Gospel of John / Edward W. Klink 3
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press, c2007
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Knabenbauer, Joseph
Commentarius in quatuor S. Evangelia Domini N. Iesu Christi / auctore Iosepho Knabenbauer
Parisiis - Lethielleux
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Knoch, Otto
Le parabole / Otto Knoch
Roma - Città nuova, (1969)
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Kocsis, Mihaly (slavista)
A register of initial words in gospel verses, based on Old Church Slavic records / compiled by Mihaly Kocsis
Szombathely - Berzsenyi Daniel teacher training college press, 1994
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Kodjak, Andrej
A structural analysis of the Sermon on the mount / Andrej Kodjak
Berlin ecc. - Mouton de Gruyter, ©1986
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Koester, Helmut (1926-)
Ancient Christian Gospels - their history and development / Helmut Koester
London - SCM press ; Philadelphia - Trinity press international, 1990
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Koimmakkadu, Antony Jobin
La figura di Maria nel Protovangelo di Giacomo- un confronto con i Vangeli canonici di Matteo e di Luca / Koimmakkadu Antony Jobin ; Giuseppe Ghiberti
, (A.a. 2009-2010
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Kollmann, Bernd
Storie di miracoli nel Nuovo Testamento / Bernd Kollmann
Brescia - Queriniana, ©2005
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Korcagin, Klym
Blagovist spassinja - Rozdumuvannja nad Evangelieju
Rym - Vydavnyctvo OO. Vasylijan, 1975
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Korn, Giacomo
Il deicidio smentito dagli stessi vangeli / Giacomo Korn
Roma - Morashà, 2006
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Kowalczyk, Andrzej
Marco 4, 11-12 in rapporto col mistero del Regno di Dio - Pars dissertationis ad lauream in Facultate s. theologiae apud Pontificiam universitatem S. Thomae de Urbe
Romae - ?s.n.?, 1974 (Romae - Typis Pontificiae universitatis Gregorianae)
Testo Monografico
Krosney, Herbert
Il vangelo perduto - l'avvincente racconto del ritrovamento del vangelo di Giuda Iscariota / Herbert Krosney
Vercelli - White star, (2006)
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