Pagina nr. 4392 di 4666 |
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Their war for Korea - American, Asian, and European combatants and civilians, 1945-1953 / Allan R. Millett Washington - Brassey’s, c2002 Testo Monografico Brody, Betsy Opening the door - immigration, ethnicity, and globalization in Japan / Betsy Brody New York - Routledge, 2002 Testo Monografico Ahn, Hyung-ju Between two adversaries - Korean interpreters at Japanese alien enemy detention centers during World War II / Hyung-ju Ahn Fullerton - Oral History Program, California State University, c2002 Testo Monografico Sonneman, Toby Shared sorrow - a gypsy family remembers the Holocaust / Toby Sonneman Hatfield - University of Hertfordshire Press, c2002 Testo Monografico Hamburg, David A. No more killing fields - preventing deadly conflict / David A. Hamburg Lanham - Rowman & Littlefield, c2002 Testo Monografico Mackey, Mike A matter of conscience - essays on the World War II Heart Mountain draft resistance movement / edited and contributions by Mike Mackey Casper - Western History Publications, c2002 Testo Monografico Schmelz, Andrea Migration und politik im geteilten Deutschland wa¨hrend des Kalten Krieges - die West-Ost-Migration in die DDR in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren / Andrea Schmelz Opladen - Leske + Budrich, 2002 Testo Monografico Winner, Irene Portis Semiotics of peasants in transition - Slovene villagers and their ethnic relatives in America / Irene Portis-Winner Durham - Duke University Press, c2002 Testo Monografico Pott, Andreas Ethnizitat und raum im Aufstiegsprozeb - eine untersuchung zum bildungsaufstieg in der zweiten turkischen migrantengeneration / Andreas Pott Opladen - Leske Budrich, 2002 Testo Monografico Kecmanovic, Dusan Ethnic times - exploring ethnonationalism in the former Yugoslavia / Dusan Kecmanovic Westport - Praeger, 2002 Testo Monografico Salsitz, Norman Three homelands - memories of a Jewish life in Poland, Israel, and America / Norman Salsitz with Stanley Kaish ; foreword by Walter Reich Syracuse - Syracuse University Press, c2002 Testo Monografico Cahn-Tober, Theresa Hide and seek - a wartime childhood / Theresa Cahn-Tober Albuquerque - University of New Mexico Press, c2002 Testo Monografico Megged, Aharon The story of the Selvino children - journey to the Promised Land / Aharon Megged ; translated from the hebrew by Vivian Eden London - Vallentine Mitchell, 2002 Testo Monografico Satzewich, Vic The Ukrainian diaspora / Vic Satzewich London - Routledge, c2002 Testo Monografico Wise, Jennings C. The Great crusade - a chronicle of the late war / by Jennings C. Wise New York - Lincoln Mac Veagh ; The Dial Press, 1930 Testo Monografico |