Bibliografia per Anno di Pubblicazione
(ordinato per Autore)
Argomento: 2002 (3 di 6)

Pagina nr. 4393 di 4666       

Appleyard, Reginald T.
Greek pioneers in Western Australia / Reginald Appleyard & John N. Yiannakis
Crawley - University of Western Australia Press, c2002
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Norman Sunshine - Apples of the Hesperides / essay by Donald Kuspit
New York City - Neuhoff Gallery, 2002
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Glass, Joseph B.
From new Zion to old Zion - American Jewish immigration and settlement in Palestine, 1917-1939 / Joseph B. Glass
Detroit - Wayne State University Press, c2002
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Shapiro, Frank
Haven in Africa / Frank Shapiro
Jerusalem - Gefen Publishing House, c2002
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Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli
Pinacoteca Giovanni e Marella Agnelli al Lingotto / (Coordinating editor Marina Rotondo ; editing, Laura Maggioni, Giovanna Vitali ; Photo Sergio Anelli .. (ed altri))
Milano - Bompiani, c2002
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European Roma rights center
The limits of solidarity - Roma in Poland after 1989 / European Roma Rights Center
Budapest - European Roma Rights Center, 2002
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Nakanishi, Don T.
Distinguished Asian American political and governmental leaders / Don T. Nakanishi and Ellen D. Wu
Westport - Greenwood Press, 2002
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Vo~, Linda Trinh
Contemporary Asian American communities - intersections and divergences / edited by Linda Trinh Vo~ and Rick Bonus
Philadelphia - Temple University Press, 2002
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A latino national conversation - readings on assimilation
Chicago - The Great Books Foundation, c2002
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Latino/a popular culture / edited by Michelle Habell-Pallan and Mary Romero
New York - New York University Press, c2002
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Contreras, Josefina M.
Latino children and families in the United States - current research and future directions / edited by Josefina M. Contreras, Kathryn A. Kerns, Angela M. Neal-Barnett
Westport - Praeger, 2002
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Oppong, Yaa P. A.
Moving through and passing on - Fulani mobility, survival, and identity in Ghana / Yaa P. A. Oppong
New Brunswick - Transation Publishers, c2002
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Global goes local - popular culture in Asia / edited by Timothy J. Craig and Richard King
Honolulu - University of Hawai'i Press, c2002
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Jones, Noreen
Number 2 home - a story of Japanese pioneers in Australia / Noreen Jones
Fremantle - Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 2002
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Latino/Hispanic Liaisons and visions for human behavior in the social environment / JoseŽ B. Torres, Felix G. Rivera, editors
New York - Haworth Social Work Practice Press, c2002
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