Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
America (A-NAT) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1270
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1740


Jacobs, Lewis
L' avventurosa storia del cinema americano / Lewis Jacobs ; prefazione di Guido Aristarco ; traduzione di Guidarino Guidi
(Milano) - Il saggiatore
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Jacobs, Lewis
The rise of the American film, a critical history - With an essay- Experimental cinema in America, 1921-1947
New York - Teachers College Press, (1968)
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Jacobs, Marius
The tropical rain forest - a first encounter / Marius Jacobs ; edited by Remke Kruk ed altri ; with a chapter on Tropical America by Roelof A. A. Oldeman ; with a foreword by Vernon H. Heywood
Berlin etc. - Springer, copyr. 1988
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Jacobs, Meg
Pocketbook politics - economic citizenship in twentieth-century America / Meg Jacobs
Princeton ; Oxford - - Princeton University Press, 2005
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Jacobs, Michael
The good and simple life - artist colonies in Europe and America / Michael Jacobs
Oxford - Phaidon, 1985
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Jacobs, Michael T.
Short-term America - the causes and cures of our business myopia / Michael T. Jacobs ; foreword by David W. Mullins Jr
Boston - Harvard business school press, c19991
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Jacobs, Paul
The new radicals - a report with documents / by Paul Jacobs and Saul Landau
New York - Vintage books, (s.d.)
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Jacobs, Paul
The new radicals - report with documents / by Paul Jacobs and Saul Landau ; sponsored by the Center for the study of democratic institutions
Harmondsworth - Penguin books, 1967
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Jacobs, Paul
Prelude to riot - a view of urban America from the bottom / Paul Jacobs
New York - Vintage Books, c1967
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Jacobs, Paul
To serve the devil / by Paul Jacobs and Saul Landau ; with Eve Pell
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Jacobs, Ronald N.
Race, media, and the crisis of civil society - from Watts to Rodney King / Ronald N. Jacobs
Cambridge - Cambridge university press, 2000
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Jacobs, Travis Beal
America and the winter war, 1939-1940 / Travis Beal Jacobs
New York ; London - Garland Pub., 1981
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Jacobs, Wilbur R.
Diplomacy and Indian gifts - Anglo-French rivalry along the Ohio and Northwest frontiers, 1748-1763 / by Wilbur R. Jacobs
Stanford - Stanford University press ; London - Geoffrey Cumberlege ; Oxford University press, 1950
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Jacobsohn, Gary Jeffrey
Apple of gold - constitutionalism in Israel and the United States / Gary Jeffrey Jacobsohn
Princeton, N. J. - Princeton university press
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Jacobson, Gary C.
The politics of congressional elections / Gary C. Jacobson
New York - HarperCollins, c 1992
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