Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinato per Autore) su:
America (A-NAT) (keyword)

Pagina nr. 1271
1-100- 200-300- 400-500- 600-700- 800-900- 1000-1100- 1200-1300- 1400-1500- 1600-1700- 1740


Jacobson, Mark
American gangster e altre storie di New York / Mark Jacobson ; traduzione di Luca Conti
Torino - Einaudi, (2008)
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Jacobson, Matthew Frye
Roots too - white ethnic revival in post-civil rights America / Matthew Frye Jacobson
Cambridge, MA ; London - Harvard university press, 2006
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Jacobson, Matthew Frye
Whiteness of a different color - European immigrants and the alchemy of race / Matthew Frye Jacobson
Cambridge (MA) ; London - Harvard university press, 1998
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Jacobson, Michael
Downsizing prisons - how to reduce crime and end mass incarceration / Michael Jacobson
New York ; London - New York university press, c2005
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Jacobson, R. S.
A systematic study of the Vespula vulgaris group with a description of a new yellowjacket species in Eastern North America (Hymenoptera- Vespidae) / R. S. Jacobson, R. W. Matthews and J. F. MacDonald
Baltimore - (s.n. , 1978
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Jacobson, Robert B.
Land-use changes and the physical habitat of streams - a review with emphasis on studies within the US geological survey federal-state cooperative program / by Robert B. Jacobson, Suzanne R. Femmer, and Rose A. McKenney
Denver - US geological survey, 2001
Testo Monografico

Jacobson, Sid
9/11 - il Rapporto illustrato sull'11 settembre / Sid Jacobson & Ernie Colon ; con una prefazione del presidente e del vice presidente della Commissione sull'11 settembre Thomas H. Kean e Lee H. Hamilton e uno scritto di Gianni Riotta
Padova - Alet, 2006
Testo Monografico

Jacobson, Sid
Il dopo 9/11 - la guerra al terrore / Sid Jacobson, Ernie Colon ; tradotto da Fabrizio Grillenzoni
Padova - Alet, 2008
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Jacobson, Timothy
Discovering America - journeys in search of the New World / Timothy Jacobson
London - Blandford, c1991
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Jacobson, Timothy C.
Waste management - an american corporate success story / Timothy C. Jacobson
Washington - Gateway business book, c1993
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Jacobstein, J. Myron
Legal research illustrated - an abridgement of Fundamental of legal research, fifth edition / by J. Myron Jacobstein and Roy M. Mersky
Westbury, N. Y. - Foundation press
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Jacobus, John M.
Philip Johnson / John M. Jacobus, Jr
Milano - Il saggiatore, 1963
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Jacoby, Sanford M.
Employing bureaucracy - managers, unions, and the transformation of work in american industry, 1900-1945 / Sanford M. Jacoby
New york - Columbia Univ. Press, 1985
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Jacoby, Sanford M.
Modern manors - welfare capitalism since the New Deal / Sanford M. Jacoby
Princeton (N.J.) - Princeton University press, ©1997
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Jacoby, Tamar
Someone else's house - America's unfinished struggle for integration / Tamar Jacoby
New York (etc.) - Free Press, c1998
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