Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 1451 di 7048       

Forster, Marlin H.
Las vanguardias literarias en México y la América Central - bibliografia y antologia critica / Merlin H. Forster
Madrid - Iberoamericana - Frankfurt am Main - Vervuert, 2001
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Forster, Nancy
Tenure regimes and forest management - case studies in Latin America / by Nancy Forster and David Stanfield
Madison - Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993
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Forster, Raymond R.
A review of the austral spider family Orsolobidae (Arachnida, Araneae), with notes on the superfamily Dysderoidea / Raymond R. Forster, Norman I. Platnick
New York - American Museum of natural history, 1985
Incluso in > Bulletin of the American museum of natural history
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Forsyth, David P.
The business press in America - 1750-1865 / David P. Forsyth
Philadelphia (etc. - Chilton Books, c1964
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Forsyth, Robert
Battle over Bavaria - the B-26 Marauder versus the German jets - April 1945 / Robert Forsyth with Jerry Scutts ; colour artwork by Eddie J. Creek and Jerry Scutts ; technical drawings by Arthur L. Bentley
Crowborough - Classic Publications, 1999
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Forsyth, W. W.
Report of the acting Superintendent of the Yosemite national park to the Interior - 1911 ..
Washington - Government printing office, 1911
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Forsythe, David P.
The politics of international law - U.S. foreign policy reconsidered / David P. Forsythe
Boulder etc. - Lynne Rienner, 1990
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Fort, Carmina
Conversazioni con Carlos Castaneda - una testimonianza esclusiva / Carmina Fort
Vicenza - Il punto d'incontro, 1995
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Forte, Allen
The American popular ballad of the golden era, 1924-1950 / Allen Forte
Princeton, N.J. - Princeton University Press, c1995
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Forte, Fabrizia
I giardini privati residenziali nell'esperienza nord-americana / Fabrizia Forte
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n., 2006 )
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Forte, Fabrizia
Il sogno del giardino - paesaggi invisibili americani / Fabrizia Forte
Napoli - Massa, 2010
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Forte, Francesco
La nuova economia politica americana / Francesco Forte.
Incluso in > Sviluppo - rivista di studi e ricerche della Cassa di risparmio di Calabria e di Lucania
Testo a stampa

Forte, Italo F.
Gli americani e un re / Italo F. Forte
Roma - Editas, stampa 1949 (Todi - Tip. Tuderte)
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Fortescue, C.L.
Transmission stability - analytical discussion of some factors entering into the problem / by C.L. Fortescue
Incluso in > Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers
Testo a stampa

Fortezza, Daniela
Verso Omega - Walker Percy e il mistero infinito / Daniela Fortezza
Roma - Bulzoni, ©1990
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