Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
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Argomento: America (CAN-Z)

Pagina nr. 1452 di 7048       

Fortier, Anne
La chiave del tempo / Anne Fortier ; traduzione di Nicoletta Grill
(Milano) - Sperling & Kupfer, 2010
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Fortis, Marco
Dentro la crisi, 2009-2011 - America, Europa, Italia / Marco Fortis
Bologna - Il mulino, 2011
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Fortuna, Gabriella
Columbus '92 - Pan in Nord America / (testi di Gabriella Fortuna). - (Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), stampa 1992 (Roma - Grafiche Mazzucchelli Gercap). - (141) p. - principalmente ill. ; 34 cm. - Sul front.- Stato Maggiore Aeronautica, 5. rapporto - Affari Generali e Relazioni Esterne. - Testo in italiano e inglese.
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Fortuna, Richard C
Hazardous waste regulation, the new era - an analysis and guide to RCRA and the 1984 amendments / Richard C. Fortuna and David J. Lennett
New York - McGraw-Hill, c1987
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Fortunati, Paolo (1906-1980)
I misteri della tecnica statistica governativa e i fini non misteriosi delle esigenze americane - Discorso pronunziato al Senato della Repubblica nella seduta dell'8 marzo 1951 / Paolo Fortunati
Roma - Tip. del Senato, 1951
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Fortunato, Ray T.
Personnel administration in higher education / Ray T. Fortunato, D. Geneva Waddell
San Francisco etc. - Jossey-Bass, 1981
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Fortune (periodico)
The Mighty Force of Research / by the editors of Fortune
New York (etc.) - McGraw-Hill, c1956
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Fortune (periodico)
Why do people buy - a close look at selling- the great unsolved problem of America business / by the editors of Fortune
New York - McGraw-Hill Bpook company, c1953
Testo Monografico

Fortune, Brandon Brame
Franklin & his friends - portraying the man of science in eighteenth-century America / Brandon Brame Fortune with Deborah J. Warner
Washington - Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery ; Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvania press, c1999
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Fortune, Dion
I segreti di Taverner, dottore dell'occulto / Dion Fortune
Roma - Venexia, °2003
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Fortune, E. F. Thomas
An epitome of the stocks and public funds; containing every thing necessary to be known for perfecly understanding the nature of those securities, and the mode of doing business therein. To which is annexed, a copious equation table ... together with an appendix, containing the only account ever yet published of the bank stock and funds of the United States of America. By T. Fortune ..
London - printed for T. Boosey, n. 4 ; J. Wright, Opposite Old-Bond-Street, Piccadilly, and sold by all the booksellers, 1799
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Forum de la fundacion internacional Olof Palme (3. ; 1993)
La consolidacion democratica en America Latina - 3. forum de la Fundacion internacional Olof Palme, organizado conjuntamente con el Woodrow Wilson center (Washington D.C.) / director del forum- Joseph Tulchin ; edicion a cargo de- Anna Balletbo
Barcelona - Hacer, 1994
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Forum in Italian American Criticism (1. ; 2008 ; Stony Brook NY)
The status of interpretation in Italian American studies - proceedings of the first Forum in Italian American criticism (FIAC) / edited by Jerome Krase
Stony Brook - Forum Italicum publishing, 2011
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Forum on fundamental surgical problems
Proceedings for the 47. annual sessions of the Forum on fundamental surgical problems, 1991 clinical congress - October 20-25, Chicago
Chicago - American college of surgeons, (©1991
Incluso in > Surgical forum
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Forum on fundamental surgical problems
Proceedings for the 49. annual sessions of the Forum on fundamental problems, 1993 clinical congress - October 10-15, San Francisco, CA
Chicago - American college of surgeons, (©1993
Incluso in > Surgical forum
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