Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Musica (NOR-Z)

Pagina nr. 6204 di 6515       

Wong, Deborah
Speak it louder - Asian Americans making music / Deborah Wong
New York - Routledge, 2004
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Wong, Ketty
La música nacional - identitad, mestizaje y migración en el Ecuador / Ketty Wong Cruz
La Habana - Fondo editorial Casa de las Américas, 2012
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Wonschick, Hannelore
Coming of age in Theresienstadt- Friedl's girls from room 28 / Hanelore Wonschick, Anne D. Dutlinger
Incluso in > Art, music and education as strategies for survival - Theresienstadt 1941-45 / curated and edited by Anne D. Dutlinger ; essays by Sybil H. Milton ... (et al.)
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Woo (gruppo musicale)
Whichever way you are going, you are going wrong / Woo
(London) - Emotional Rescue Recordings, 2013
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Woo, Jee Sane
English speech-tones - identified with musical tones and chinese speech-tones / by Jee Sane Woo
New York - The William Frederick press, 1944
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The Wood Brothers (gruppo musicale)
Ways not to lose / The Wood Brothers
(New York - Blue Note, c2006
Registrazione audio

WOOD, Adam L.
Barbie e l'avventura nell'Oceano (Videoregistrazione) / directed by Adam L. Wood ; written Elise Allen ; music by BC Smith
(Roma) - Universal Studios, 2010

Wood, Alexander
The physical basis of music / by Alex. Wood
Cambridge - at the University Press, 1913
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Wood, Alexander
The physics of music / Alexander Wood
London - Methuen, 1964
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Wood, Alexander
The physics of music / Alexsander Wood ; revised by J. M. Bowsher
London - Chapman and Hall, c1975
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Wood, Alexander
The physics of music / by Alexander Wood
London - Methuen & Co., 1947
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Wood, Alexander
The physics of music / by Alexander Wood ; revised by J. M. Bowsher
London - Methuen, 1962
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Wood, Caroline
Jean-Baptiste Lully and his successors - music and drama in the tragedie en musique, 1673-1715 / Caroline Wood
Wetherby - The British Library Document Supply Center, (dopo il 1980)
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Wood, Caroline
Music and drama in the tragedie en musique, 1673-1715 - Jean-Baptiste Lully and his successors / Caroline Wood
New York - London ; Garland, 1996
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Wood, Charles
Beatles two / (sceneggiatura di Charles Wood, Marc Behm
London - W.Shenson Films, ©2007
Incluso in > Help / The Beatles
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