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Argomento: Musica (NOR-Z)

Pagina nr. 6205 di 6515       

Wood, Charles
Wagner / Charles Wood ; con A. C. H. Smith
Milano - Sperling & Kupfer, 1983
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Wood, Charles
Wagner / Charles Wood con A. C. H. Smith
Milano - CDE, stampa 1984
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Wood, David A.
Music in Harvard libraries - a catalogue of early printed music and books on music in the Houghton Library and the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library / by David A. Wood
Cambridge, Mass. - Houghton Library of the Harvard College Library, Harvard University Department of music, 1980
Testo Monografico

Wood, George (compositore)
Angelia, the butterfly / words and music by George Wood
Penn - Waldemar Spohr, 1888
Musica (stampa)

Wood, George (compositore)
The Sword and the Crimson Bars / word and music by George Wood
Philadelphia - s.n., 1898
Musica (stampa)

Wood, Haydn
A brown bird singing - song / music by Haydn Wood ; words by Royden Barrie
New York - Chappell-Harms, ©1922
Musica (stampa)

Wood, Haydn
Lochinvar - (scene from Marmion) / words by sir Walter Scott ; set to music for chorus and orchestra (or pianoforte) by Haydn Wood
London - Stainer & Bell, ©1911
Musica (stampa)

Wood, Haydn
Twelve little songs of the year / by Alfred H. Hyatt ; set to music by Haydn Wood
London - Boosey, ©1912
Musica (stampa)

Wood, Henry J.
My life of music / by Henry J. Wood ; with an introduction by Hugh Allen
London - Victor Gollancz, 1946
Testo Monografico

Wood, Henry J.
My life of music / by Henry J. Wood ; with an introduction by sir Hugh Allen
London - Victor Gollancz, 1938
Testo Monografico

Wood, Hugh
Three choruses - S.A.T.B. unaccompanied / Hugh Wood
London - Universal Edition, ©1967
Musica (stampa)

Wood, Leo
Good night / musica di Wood, Bibo, Conrad ; testo italiano di C. Deani
Milano - Leonardi, (19..
Musica (stampa)

Wood, Melusine
More Historical Dances - Comprising the technical part of the elementary syllabus and the intermediate syllabus, the latter section including such dances as appertain but not previously described / by Melusine Wood ; with a foreword by Cyril Beaumont ; music arranged and in part composed by Elsie Palmer
London - The imperial society of teachers of dancing incorporated - Beaumont, 1956
Testo Monografico

Wood, Miriam
Music for mentally handicapped people / Miriam Wood
London - Souvenir Press, 1983
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Wood, Miriam M.
Music for living - enriching the lives of profoundly mentally handicapped people / Miriam Wood
Kidderminster - British Institute of mental handicap, 1982
Testo Monografico