Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 4191 di 5171       

Phare, Elsie Elizabeth
The poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins - a survey and commentary by Elsie Elizabeth Phare
Cambridge - University Press, 1933
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Phestibal poieses Thessalonikes (2. ; 2006)
Elia- to ieró déndro, symbolo ton agonon kai tes eirenes - 2. Phestibal poieses thessalonikes
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s. n., 2007 )
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Philes, Manuel (1275ca.-1340)
Manuelis Philae Carmina graeca, maximam partem e codicibus Augustanis et Oxoniensibus nunc primum in lucem producta ... accedit ignoti poetae antiquioris carmen in S. Theodorum ex augustano codice nunc primum editum- praemittitur Dissertatio de Philae vita, aetate et scriptis, cura Gottlieb Wernsdorfii
Lipsiae - apud B.C. Breitkopf. et Fil., 1768
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Philetas - Cous
Filita - testimonianze e frammenti poetici - introduzione, edizione e commento / a cura di Livio Sbardella
Roma - Quasar, 2000
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Philip, Neil
A new treasury of poetry / selected and introduced by Neil Philip ; illustrated by John Lawrence
London - Blackie, c1990
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Philipon de la Madelaine, V.
Dictionnaire des rimes - précédé d'un nouveau traité de la versification francaise et suivi d'un essai sur la language poétique / par L. Ph. De la Madalaine
Bruxelles - chez tous les libraires, 1844
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Philipp, Eckhard
Die Funktion des Wortes in den Gedichten Georg Trakls - linguistische Aspekte ihrer Interpretation / Eckhard Philipp
Tubingen - Niemeyer, 1971
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Philippe, Jules
Les poetes de la Savoie / par Jules Philippe
Annecy - Jules Philippe, 1865
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Philippe, Jules
La Savoie poétique, ou Recueil de poésies extraites des principaux auteurs savoisiens / par Jules Philippe
Annecy - F. Saillet, 1849
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Philippi, Klaus-Peter
Volk des Zorns - Studien zur poetischen Mobilmachung in der deutschen Literatur am Beginn des Ersten Weltkriegs, ihren Voraussetzungen und Implicationen
München - W. Fink, copyr. 1979
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Philippon, Michel
Paul Valery - une poetique en poemes / Michel Philippon
Talence Cedex - Presses universitaires de Bordeaux, (1993)
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Philips, Ambrose
The poetical works of Ambrose Philips, with the life of the author
Edinburg - at the Apollo Press, by the Martins, 1781
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Philips, John (1676-1709)
, , 1779
Incluso in > The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson
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Philips, John (1676-1709)
The poetical works of John Philips, with the life of the author
Edinburg - at the Apollo Press, by the Martins, 1781
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Philips, John (1676-1709)
The poetical works of John Philips. Collated with the best editions by Thomas Park
London - Printed at the Stanhope Press by Charles Whittingham, 103, Goswell street - for J. Sharpe and sold by W. Suttaby, Stationer's court, Ludgate street, 1807
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