Repertorio di Libri e Pubblicazioni
(ordinamento per Autore)
Argomento: Poeti

Pagina nr. 4192 di 5171       

Phillippy, Patricia Berrahou
Love's remedies - recantation and renaissance lyric poetry / Patricia Berrahou Phillippy
Lewisburg - Bucknell university press ; London - Associated university press, c1995
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Phillips, Allen W.
Poetas del dia
- "El Liberal" (1908-1909) / Allen W. Phillips
Barcelona - Anthropos, 1989
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Phillips, Edward
Theatrum poetarum or A compleat collection of the poets - (1675)
Hildesheim ; New York - Olms, 1970
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Phillips, Glen
Sacrificing the leaves - poems / Glen Phillips
(Thailand - s.n.), 1988
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Phillips, Henry
The return of the admiral song / the poetry by Barry Cornwall Esq.r ; the music composed by Henry Phillips
London - Mori & Lavenu, °188.
Musica (stampa)

Phillips, Henry
They talk of dales and hills in Wales - a Welsch ballad / the poetry by T. Dibdin Esq.r ; sung ... by the author H.y Phillips
London - T. Welsh, (18..)
Musica (stampa)

Phillips, James
Heidegger's Volk - between national socialism and poetry / James Phillips
Standford - Standford University Press, 2005
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Phillips, James E.
Neo-Latin poetry of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries - papers / by James E. Phillips and Don Cameron Allen presented at a seminar held on October 17, 1964 at the Clark Library
Los Angeles - University of California, 1965
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Phillips, John
Poet and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - collection du Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne / photogaphs by John Phillips ; with texts by Antoine de Saint Exupéry, John Phillips, Charles-Henri Favrod
Zurich etc. - Scalo, ©1994
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Phillips, Nigel
Sijobang - sung narrative poetry of West Sumatra / Nigel Phillips
Cambridge (etc.) - Cambridge University Press, 1981
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Phillips, Patricia
The adventurous muse - theories of originality in English poetics, 1650-1760 / Patricia Phillips
Uppsala - Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1984
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Phillips, Rachel
Alfonsina Storni - from poetess to poet / Rachel Phillips
London - Tamesis, copyr. 1975
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Phillips, Rachel
Las estaciones poeticas de Octavio Paz / por Rachel Phillips ; traduccion de Tomas Segovia
Mexico ... etc. - Fondo de cultura economica, 1976
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Phillips, Rachel
The poetic modes of Octavio Paz...
London etc. - Oxford University Press, 1972
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Phillips, Rodney
The hand of the poet - poems and papers in manuscript / by Rodney Philips... (ed altri) ; with essays by Dana Gioia
New York - Rizzoli, 1997
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