segue SANITA'
[pagina inizio voce]
Having a baby in Europe - report on a study
Copenhagen - World health organization. Regional office for Europe, c1985
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Healt and the environment
Copenhagen - Regional office for Europe, World Health Organization, 1977
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Health 21 - the health for all policy framework for the WHO European region
Copenhagen - World health organization, Regional office for Europe, ©1999
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Health 21 - ventuno obiettivi di salute per il ventunesimo secolo - introduzione alla strategia della "salute per tutti nella regione europea" dell'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità
(Luogo di pubblicazione non indicato - s.n.), 1999 (Bologna - Comune di Bologna)
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Health - a precious asset - accelerating follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development / proposals by the World Health Organization
(Geneva - World Health Organization, 19..)
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Health - a time for justice - primary health care
Geneva - World Health Organization ; New York - United Nations Children's Fund, 1978
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Health and climate change - the now and how - a policy action guide
Copenhagen - WHO Regional office for Europe (Roma - Tip. C. Colombo), c2005
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Health and environment in sustainable development - five years after the Earth summit - executive summary
Geneva - World health organization, 1997
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Health and health behaviour among young people - health behaviour in school-aged children - a WHO cross-national study (HBSC) - international report / editors- Candace Currie ... (ed altri)
Copenhagen - World health organization. Regional office for Europe, c2000
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Health and safety guide
Geneva - published by the World health organization for the International programme on chemical safety
Pubblicazione Periodica
Health and social organization - towards a health policy for the twenty-first century / edited by David Blane, Eric Brunner and Richard Wilkinson
London ; New York - Routledge, 1996
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Health and strategic environmental assessment - WHO consultation meeting - Rome, Italy, 8-9 June 2009 - Background information and report / edited by Julia Nowacki, Marco Martuzzi, Thomas B. Fischer
Copenhagen - World Health Organization, ©2010
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Health and the environment - report on a WHO meeting - Vienna 12-16 december 1983
Copenhagen - World health organization, Regional office for Europe, c1986
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Health and welfare during industrialization / edited by Richard H. Steckel and Roderick Floud
Chicago ; London - University of Chicago press, 1997
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Health aspects of chemical and biological weapons - report of a WHO group of consultants
Geneva - World health organization, 1970
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